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Everything posted by Jrlg1181

  1. Definitely got a bit of wind , alot of leaves and small twigs were down when we got home, but only .02 in the gauge.. The main storm went just to the NE of us...which is normal . Real glad we didn't get that hail that was just to our west toward Staunton... Went through a tennis ball size hailstorm in Crozet about 20 years ago that took out hundreds of car windows.. Watching Greg Forbes on the weather channel after the storm trying to pronounce Crozet was a bit funny...
  2. Big storm obviously on radar coming through staunton this afternoon , dropped .02 on my yard in northern Waynesboro..... it has always been that way since moving here from western Albemarle 17 years ago.. We just don't get much in the way of thunderstorm rain here....
  3. Up to .25 this afternoon, despite radar not being too impressive.. Very tropical feel to the rain and humid...
  4. What a summer night, cool temps - bright moonlight now with the dissipating high altitude smoke... Spent the last 2 hours on the front porch after work with the cooler air , cheap whiskey , frogs and crickets singing along with classic George Strait music.... nice and peaceful *
  5. Same here , finished the event with 0.000 drops...
  6. Was a bit wrong, got our 3rd best rainfall from a individual thunderstorm this spring/summer.... 0.33 Monthly total now 2.73
  7. Strong winds gusting to about 35 to 40 mph , Temps dropped fast , distant thunder, feels very very nice outside... will my backyard get any rain above a few hundredths? Very very unlikely
  8. It sucks , you are far worse than me the last 90 days...everything is growing and nice and green, thanks to the end of June cutoff low... Just drove through a monumental downpour less than 1 mile from home... Get home .03 in gauge
  9. Afternoon of storms all around, final total.. 0.03 2.40 monthly
  10. Received right at 0.40 for the past 24 hours, monthly total for my back yard stands at 2.37.... One of the lower totals locally... But no issue everything is green and growing nicely thanks to the end of June cutoff low and generally no heatwaves....
  11. And unless I totally missed a prior , just got put under the only flood anything , watch or warning of the calender year... Our fellow member Stormy's neck of the woods must be the reason for the warning... up to 0.29 now
  12. Just got home from work from the rainforest in Charlottesville .... 0.27 total.. just a few miles away from me you have about 6 or 7 times as much...
  13. I went to work that 2009 Friday afternoon like a fool, got trapped on Pantops on rt 250 in the work truck... Around midnight we all got word that we had to park near what is now Kohr brothers ice cream and walk back to the building in a blizzard !
  14. Living in northwest Albemarle county in Browns Cove up in the 'holler' in March 1993 as a teenager, born and raised there... Sleeping on the living room sofa near the wood stove listening to the wind roar down out of the mountains during the blizzard of 93 with no electric power. With the smell of " coal oil " mountain/country term for kerosene lamps burning... Really was a old time feel...
  15. I keep saying that... I live in Waynesboro, prior to tonight only .17 in about 10 days - but work in Charlottesville and its a dam deluge somewhere in or around that city at least 4 days a week..
  16. What a gradient.... 0.17 here
  17. Same here momentarily, got a almost cloudless blue sky approaching from the sw...
  18. Really did get shutout, monthly total remains 0.53 and that was mainly last Saturday.. 0.02 last 8 days.
  19. Yeah , despite what the radar is showing down here, official total so far is .0000.... some spots are going to end up with very little..
  20. .02 since last Saturday in my backyard, but at work over here in Charlottesville today and it's another day and another deluge over here... Charlottesville has to be the wettest city in Virginia in the summer months... I'm beginning to think that's why Jefferson who was a weather fanatic settled where he did, he probably realized this place was usually wetter than the surrounding areas ....
  21. .42 today - weekly total 4.67
  22. From the top of Afton mt looking east this evening, a shower in the background over northern Nelson with the bright sun just to the west..
  23. 4.15 inches for the week... about 28% of my year to date precip has fallen this week...
  24. Very much needed, perfect type of week long system to ease or break the drought..As long as we don't have to wait till late July for our next rainfall - which has been the pattern.
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