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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. I feel like these troughs over the next week are really trying to swing though, but the little tropical critter off the SE coast is causing them to glance off to the north. Like John said, the GFS long range has certainly been consistent the past few runs with pulling a bigger trough through mid month once that tropical system gets out of the way. We didn't snow on Halloween this year, so I'll check that in the win box for hopeful winter signs.
  2. Nice heavy rains here in Morgan County. Hopefully this holds together for y’all further east.
  3. Two more great peak foliage pics from yesterday: Little Brushy mt as seen from Frozen Head lookout tower Armes Gap neat Petros, TN:
  4. Smoke in the southern valley, as seen from Frozen Head Friday (10/21/22): Fall in the higher elevations (~ 5000 feet):
  5. If the Euro verifies (la la land warning), t'would be a brisk day above 5000' in NW sections wrt to the potential tropical system
  6. What is it, like 2 weeks after the recurve that we sometimes get a nice Canadian airmass? After yesterday evening and this AM I want more of this wonderful weather. Looked like a pretty good cool shot out in lala land on 6z GFS, trying to make its way across the US.
  7. Saw a 43 at a weather station in Deer Lodge this AM.
  8. I hope everyone is doing ok and has had a good summer, well as good as can be expected with all the rain. Summer weather sky pics: First the local stuff: Clinch River above Hwy 61 bridge: Fog on Bird Mt (Frozen Head state park in July) Carolina lily on Frozen Head state park (July) Watauga River (July) Grandfather Mt (July) gratuitous brown trout pic (at no extry charge) Virgin Falls TN Lost Creek Falls Mossy Grove double (faint) rainbow Now, here are some desert pics from May. Hoping I can bring some anti monsoonal mojo with some dry sunny sky pics. Chaco Canyon dust storm Chaco non dust storm Grand Canyon Canyonlands NP
  9. Fireflies are out tonight on the plateau, lol. I don't know I've ever seen a day with moderate snow, AM frost the next morning, and then fireflies.
  10. Some moderate snow now with this band coming off the plateau:
  11. Closing in on a dusting here in MoCo with a hard band. Couldn't get to the Smokies, but made it up to Frozen Head this AM. The snow line (sticking anyway) was probably about 1800 feet. Wild geranium: Red trillium:
  12. Also: The deterministic models are becoming more unstable for Friday and Saturday due to the cold air will producing very steep low-level lapse rates especially during the afternoon hours. Ensembles and deterministic models are in agreement now with CAPE of 100 to nearly 200+ so plenty of shower activity expected, especially during the afternoon/early evening hours Friday. The vertical CAPE profile is deep enough within the -14C degree layer or colder to produce isolated thunder. Would not be surprised to receive reports of graupel or even small hail with the stronger showers and storms. Thunder graup !
  13. MRX is going with 4 - 6 above 5000 feet or so. I may have a chance to go above 5000 feet on Saturday, there will be pictures if I do.
  14. So, snow showers Saturday night and Sunday? Looks like there could at least be a dusting for that ever-favored area in western Cumberland County we talked about earlier in the year.
  15. Had to drive one of the dogs in to the emergency vet and man, I couldn't believe how little snow there was in Coalfield. I know the sun did a number today, but I think they must have gotten passed over pretty badly.
  16. It's fairly dry snow. I wanted to make a snow man to scare the dogs, but no bueno.
  17. So you're supposed to find the deepest area in your yard for official measurement, right? The place where the spring grass was already tall? Real final total will probably be around 6.5. Beer can is officially covered.
  18. I have one of the cold air advection streamers overhead right now. Not really showing up on radar:
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