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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. I 40 looks like it is a disaster from just before Kingston to Crossvile
  2. There's got to be a happy median somewhere between me and the foothills. I'm getting pixie dust fringed wrt flake size. I guess i could have worse problems.
  3. I don't know it's been such a mess on modeling. Of all the globals I think the GFS did best. NAM played catch up with the precip. axis, but has done pretty good on amounts, along with the HRRR. I think the RGEM wins again for short range.
  4. Our storm has a STJ (subtropical jet) connection going well out into the Pacific. Not a terribly strong one, but nice to see that active STJ
  5. Maybe this is a weenie wish casting thing, but maybe it is initializing with somewhat warmer temps than expected. In this particular case the Arctic air is on the doorstep of the valley and it is currently trying to work in. The moisture isn't here yet, so there's still time. It's not like we have 2 hours of precip left right now.
  6. It's already got a foot north of Crossville by 21z Monday
  7. You've even got a bit of downslope off the Crab Orchard mts indicated there.
  8. The elk scared the ______ out of me one cold morning. It was just before Christmas. At first I thought some idiot had bought one in for a joke, but apparently he decided to come down from the Frozen Head/ Cross Mt area and he just chills out off of Fairview road between Coalfield and Mossy Grove.
  9. You know, we have an elk who has decided to live about 2 miles from my house. Maybe he knew something.
  10. I remember seeing some of that in Jan 96. had a layer of ice in the middle of 16 inches of snow.
  11. This is my first system here where I am almost directly up wind of Frozen Head and Cross mt. I'm wondering how it plays out if that lift sets up just right
  12. Maybe, wrt to precip outputs, the model thinks moisture isn't quite making it into the DGZ. I clicked on a sounding on the HRRR in that ZR and it was 10 degrees and sub freezing through the whole profile.
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