Kind of an other side of the same coin question here, but there is an epic fail storm that I've always wanted to ask y'all about. I can't remember the actual date, so I was wondering if any of you did. It must have been between 94 and 99 since I had begun to watch the Weather Channel after 93 and got out of that after 2000. (I used to leave it on, volume down, while I slept and would love to wake up at 2-3 am sometimes and hear some of the crazier shenanigans late night on air.) Anyway I would watch the 5 day business planner and sometimes you'd see snow at day 5 and I'd then track it (just by watching the snow icon each day) until it was on the local on the 8s or whatever that was called when there was just music and no voice. I had no knowledge of models or anything like that then, I just thought they updated the forecast around or after 2 AM and 2 PM every day. Well if those snows made it to the first night on the local on the 8s (12 hours off) I thought I could pretty much bet on what they were forecasting. There was one night I went to sleep and the forecast was something like "Snow. Heavy at times. Accumulations of 8-12 inches possible". I figured if I didn't 8-12, well 6 would probably be ok. Woke up to nothing. I turned on the Weather Channel and remember their meteorologist Bruce Edwards saying something like "Well we were expecting this moisture to come north and it just didn't happen". {**Please note I'm not blaming him here or grumping, just rehearsing my experiences. This happened nearly 20 years ago and that would be crazy**}. Knowing what I do now, it sounds to me like Gulf convection cut off the moisture or something, but it always stuck with me how that one busted, but I can't remember what or when that happened. I was living in Kingsport at the time.