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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. A strange little thunderstorm has just developed in the foothills in Blount county. I just can't image how the atmosphere could possible be conducive to that even now that we're in the warm sector:
  2. Latest HRRR shows them heading straight for Knoxville and it sure looks that way on the radar. Have the hope the atmosphere is much more stable here, but that still leaves us with some heavy rain we don't need.
  3. I'm still pretty new to looking for tornadic storms, but it looks like it has some sort of a circulation:
  4. And to be honest, that MCS line in Middle/ West TN looks like it is also moving more W - E now as a little meso circulation looks like it has formed.
  5. Speaking of more rain, those convective showers blobs in Central MS/ AL look like they might be headed close to the Eastern TN Valley.
  6. Obviously still could be some more significant rain from storms, but for anyone who might look at this thread in the future, here is a radar loop of today's rains:
  7. Now that the end is in sight for the heaviest precip, how long does it usually take for local streams to crest and start to recede? No clue how something like that typically works.
  8. First Creek at Broadway near Kroger as of 1:00PM: First creek in a valley bottom near 6th ave:
  9. The train's engine is overhead of me now. Could hear it roll in 100% louder than most rainfall so far this AM.
  10. Yeah, looking at radar, it's starting to look like basically worst case scenario with the train for the hardest hit areas in Knoxville. At least there's an end in sight after the train gets through.
  11. It really is. I feel like I can normally look at a radar and tell how things are going, but this one is so close.
  12. WBIR weather (N. Knoxville near Broadway and First Creek) just reported around 5 inches since midnight. Showing images of a tree down on a pickup already without any wind yet.
  13. It has been raining so hard here that whenever I get under a 25 dbz band it catches my attention because it sounds like the rain has stopped.
  14. Yep, that's what I'm worried about for Knoxville. It looks like it's on the razor's edge for now. I could see the line getting just far enough north to spare Knoxville, I could also see it getting stuck until later today over the central valley. The firehose is really aimed at us, now with a little embedded convection:
  15. First Creek, upstream from where I'm closest to it, but about half a mile from my house: Pics below from within half a mileof my house. The one next to the old industrial building is Standard Knitting Mill, about 200 yards from my house. I think I have about 5 feet, before it over flows.
  16. Same here @ShawnEastTN. I'm about to venture out again to look at First Creek. I live about 200 yards from it and it was already overflowing about half a mile up from my house. Actually concerned about what I see as a non 0 chance I will have to evacuate if the training sets up just right.
  17. That's what I would think as well, but no update. Unusual since the folks who handle that account are very quick to provide information.
  18. I really hope this band lifts north, because that line training over us is exactly what Knoxville does not need:
  19. Totally anecdotal on my part, but I have to say the Tennessee at Knoxville is higher than I've ever seen it.
  20. From what I can make out this firetruck is near Kroger in Ft. City.
  21. Found a pic of the firetruck: Knoxville Fire dept. reporting some homes along First creek with water coming up to the house.
  22. WBIR in house model showing 0.15 inches through midnight, lol. I think I got that in the past half hour.
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