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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. That vort on that one run took almost the exact track. If there had been some organized souther stream energy in the Gulf, that would have been the GFS run to end all GFS runs, lol
  2. Sorry I can never resist, but that makes twice this year we've seen something similar.
  3. Glad you found it. My gifs only go back to early Dec now (they must limit the number you can have stored, gonna have to try to figure out Imgur I guess) I've been looking at old threads on 33 and Rain an southernwx and all I could get was one EPS H5 look from 29 Oct +312 hours:
  4. Didn't we have some Bueller running joke last winter, lol. I can't remember.
  5. I lived across from Holston Defense in Kingsport when I was growing up and it felt like some of the explosions over there did. Kind of like a shockwave.
  6. Also interesting that the CFS and GEFS (I think they are both American models, right?) see stark differences in the current GWO and where it is headed: CFS keeps in it in the Nino forcing phases and amplifies it again, but less so then the last one: While the GEFS takes it down into the Nina phases, which I think would interfere with the pseudo Nino (and by that I mean nice STJ and Hudson's Bay ridge, but messed up N Pac) looks we're seeing now: Now obviously this is only one variable of many, but like I said yesterday, I'm kind of in Murphy's Law mode now.
  7. One thing I'm sheepish about is the Invest in the Indian Ocean: now the convection is nowhere near as deep as what birthed Tino in the West Pac, but a big flareup and subsequent S Hemisphere TC preceded the big +AAM burst that coincided with the big flip in long range models last week.
  8. Though y'all might enjoy this. You can see air being funneled though the French Broad valley now through the mountains: There's some subsidence coming off Bays Mountain in E TN that's causing the break in the clouds on our side of the mts.
  9. Check this out now, you can see air getting funneled through the French Broad valley:
  10. Cool, so I guess you live on that part of it that I 81 runs across? Sorry you missed it. Still getting a few flurries here.
  11. Here's a thought. What if the downsloping off Bays Mountain, Short Mountain, or Frozen Head is pushing air to either side and as this air runs into the dominate low level flow (at this point down the river valleys), there's confluence? There's downsloping on infrared and that Baileyton band is just to the NE of that downsloping.
  12. You can see one of the bands on NT microphysics where there's some downsloping nearby to accentuate it:
  13. There's another one near Rogersville and looks like it briefly hit 40 dbz: Looks like a similar set up, but to the lee of Short Mountain:
  14. So it looks to me like it is starting near the X and, at least at the beginning while the flow is roughly NNW, it aims in general trajectory of the green cone. The red is the boundary of Sullivan county and I'm using it as a reference for the radar images. I know we've see this lee side stuff around the tip of Bays Mountain, but this seems like just a bizarre location for a upslope to start. Thoughts?
  15. Even some 30 dbz returns near I 81 at Baileyton. Exit 36 I think. If I still lived in Kingsport I'd chase this, lol!
  16. A pretty decent band to the lee of Bays Mountain aimed into Greene County:
  17. Can we just pretend the BOM's version of MJO phase 1 is where we really are now?
  18. In the mean time I'm hugging the GEFS control: Hours 120 - 150
  19. Also saw someone post the UKMET in the Mid Atlantic forum. I hadn't looked at it, but more support for possibility with the next weekend system:
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