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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. Hit some snow just north of Wartburg, but still rain here in Mossy Grove. Precip also got pretty light the further north I got.
  2. 36/34 now. Correlation Coefficient showing the rain/ snow line slowly lowering as the yellows get closer to MRX radar site. WBIR's in house rain/ snow radar depiction shows the line just to my north. No clue how accurate that is though
  3. Rain here too, but could be some wet snow mixed in, just hard to tell as dark as it still is. 37/34
  4. Honestly, not sure, could be some model feedback issue, or could reflect some clouds that develop as the system pulls away.
  5. Yeah, I'd almost be willing to bet more of it is moving down the eastern edge of the plateau first, liks a mini COD situation, but it is getting close to Chatt:
  6. 0z HRRR: you hear so much about bias this and bias that, not sure how much to trust it, so went for just sim. reflectivity.
  7. Lookin good as of now, I'm a fan of those colder cloud tops' trajectory
  8. Wife decided tonight was a good day to start tax season and now waiting on 0z runs:
  9. This is going to sound a little crazy, but now that you mention it, I can actually feel the drier air on my skin. Just went for a run at Frozen head, up to ~2000 feet and man the blue sky to the NE was blue, like it normally is when the air is really dry: Still that chilly NE wind blowing down the stream
  10. Looks like clouds are racing back in, even up here on the plateau. 18z NAM, unless I'm reading it incorrectly, basically shows evaporational/ wet bulb cooling. Still 46 - 47 up here.
  11. 18z RAP coming in amped for precip rates. It shows rain for Knoxville, but the sounding says best guess preicp type = snow
  12. Look like he is going with a northerly LP track too Actually never mind, he sides with RGEM, lol. Still interesting to see the surface features and how he looks at them.
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