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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. I think you and I got under the band o' doom with this one, lol. Pouring all AM here.
  2. Man, I thought leaves peaked a couple of weeks ago, but at least here on Morgan County, I was wrong: https://imgur.com/a/r71NVoZ
  3. Overnight the Euro went straight up trough east, ridge west day 10. Probably not a good sign though, since it is at day 10. Given the usual progression, will be a Rockies cut off in about 5 - 6 days on modeling.
  4. Euro looked a little more zonal late in its run too. Anything for more fire place weather!
  5. Not much of substance to add, but to note that the pattern seems to be shaping up to be sorta kinda the opposite of last year. We flipped around Halloween after a warm Oct. and then once we hit mid to late Dec, we went back to warm and didn't look back. Certainly could stay ridge-east/ trough-west throughout, but I also favor Carver's idea of an Ides of December change, even though how long it lasts is up for grabs. I want to revisit the post I used to start the wold speculation thread, and may try to do that later this PM when I have s little more time. Also, I live in Mossy Grove now, so any 2002 redos are unwelcome, lol.
  6. Oh yeah, oh yeah, ya gotta believe: And there's at least one, count em one, EPS member, that shows at last 2 inches of snow in Middle TN, so Lock. It. In. Happy we're back to fantasy storm season
  7. Hunter Ward has posted his winter forecast: https://www.ashevillewx.com/weatherupdate/2020/10/29/ashevillewx-2020-2021-winter-weather-outlook?fbclid=IwAR0UQmpWK_YXn9Klz_SPW011J7qohWOmmmt2-puoQWwI4rPiXiFfrr3mgpc Obviously for NC, but he does talk about the mts as well. Also, apparently the UKMET monthly model (from Ben Noll's website as seen on Ward's forecast) sees some opportunities for Abv. Average snowfall for western parts of our area. Dauntless Ray has his thoughts out too, again for western NC: http://asheweather.com/public/FearlessForecast.pdf Seems like the overall thought is more opportunity for upslope, NW flow snow for favored areas in western NC, at least more opportunity than we have seen in recent years. Hopefully that can translate to more NW flow and maybe a clipper or two for us. While I was poking around on Ben Noll's twitter I found this: If there were to be more convection over the western Indian Ocean (8 - 1 MJO region) that would definitely be an interesting twist to La Nina. To be totally fair, equating 2021 to 1996 by looking at one RMM diagram and one model's seasonal forecast is vintage snow weenie and like trying to shove to pieces of a puzzle (thaty may not even be from the same puzzle) together because I JUST WANT THEM TO FIT/ WHY WON'T YOU FIT &^%$$^&*(&^%%$ But we must have hope so that when @mempho comes calling we can be reaped in the fullness of time.
  8. My neighbor's rain gauge/ weather station went out, so no clue how much more rain we got here. Zeta was booking it though, so probably not as much as yesterday.
  9. Man the rain is almost as fun as snow at this point. 3.09 inches and a river in my yard for the dogs to waller in.
  10. Really interested to see how @John1122 has fared today. It just keeps pouring here.
  11. It was from the 26th, but I went back and looked and didn't see much more than a little line of showers: I guess they could have been convective, but still such a weird/ cool cloud pattern.
  12. I wasn't really looking forward to the rain, but now the season stream in my front yard is roaring again, lol. My wife and I dug it out and landscaped in and around it, so I'm happy it's back. My larger dog (TROWAL dog) may have flopped in the deeper section of it and gotten pinched by a crawdad! Nearby weather station is up to 2.5 inches, we may hit 4 before it's all over
  13. Weird cloud formations on satellite yesterday in the eastern Valley. Maybe some subsidence caused that?
  14. Maybe we get a No Flood February NFF (patent pending) and call it a win!?
  15. Sorry for the jumpiness, I am still a little rusty this year. EPS member 8 FTW.
  16. Hopefully Epsilon can bring us another shakeup to the N Hemisphere pattern a few weeks down the road.
  17. Didn't we watch this same pattern show back in early September? We thought we were getting a front through and CO ended up with a big early season snow. But after that, fronts did start to make it through again. And hey, we've had some pretty good blocking for at least the first half of the month. Maybe we have just a normal crappy La Nina this year and not and Epic Crappy La Nina?
  18. That's inspirational Stovepipe! We have 31 GEFS members this season; I have not yet begun to gif!
  19. Still in the low 50s at noon. This airmass is chilly.
  20. O ho ho, fantasy storm on the 6z GFS: Annnddddd look what happens if you suspend disbelief and pick the best ratio: What's the Euro going for at that time (doesn't quite go out that far) you might ask... Will we have the perfunctory Halloween-La Nina snow to accompany Jeff's Halloween cold front?
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