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Everything posted by Holston_River_Rambler

  1. Def a fan of the RGEM for my area. Everything else is too little too late for most of MoCo: Really interested to see if something like those convective bands verify under the lapse rates of the upper low.
  2. Took a drive to Sparta TN yesterday. Beautiful views of the western edge of the plateau looking towards Cookeville: Also, cool sunrise this AM up here, some cirrus, before dawn, were catching the sun: I had to tweak the above mage a bit to capture the almost eerie look, due to low light. Sunrise:
  3. No worries. I had just dealt with a BS work email and was a little edgy. I think I probably took it in a way you didn't mean it. Christmas snow is serious business, lol!
  4. Back on this storm note, I'm really looking forward to @BuCoVaWx obs for this. If you can take some pictures please do. I think you are as close to the bull's eye as anyone on here. I'll be with the Kingsport crew tomorrow to see my folks for Christmas, hoping I can get home in time to see the changeover, but expect it may have already happened when I get home around 4. I will be driving down 81 as the changeover works it's way east and NE.
  5. Me too. I keep trying to remember that one, but can't. I remember the weather channel met Bruce Edwards coming on and saying something like, "Well we were expecting the moisture to come north and it just didn't happen." I vaguely remember the radar image and I think convection parallel to the Gulf cut off the moisture feed??
  6. Maybe one of these decades we'll have storm where none of this micro or meso trends--thread the needle stuff matters and we can just all enjoy a general snow dump forum wide. Low track from NoLa to Greenville, NC and a 1035 high over Michigan.
  7. I agree, what I'm trying to get across, in case someone sees me post a SREF plume or H5 plot, is that I'm using it for trends, (or pure snow weenie fun), not as a serious verbatim forecasting NWP model.
  8. And anybody that uses the SREF plumes for anything other than a curious interest in the NAM or just out of pure weather weenie snow lust, is not too bright. I know I post them sometimes, but I try to be judicious about how I do it. I hope I haven't given anyone the idea that I take them seriously. If so, apologies.
  9. I don't know if I would jump either, just based on climo as well as a common sense and level-headed evaluation of the bust potential, but I don't think the RGEM is a joke.
  10. The rum's worn off now @kvskelton, no more Latin until this evening, lol. 6z Euro: 3 hr snowfall: totals 10:1 (no Kuchera ratios available to me for the 6/18z runs):
  11. Yeah, I was curious how the sharper SREF trough would end up on the NAM. Pulls it right up the windward side of the Apps and cranks it back over eastern OH: Let's hypothesize for the moment, that this is pivot point on these runs. If this is the furthest west the NAM goes, is there a scenario where the MSLP tracks like this, and we split the difference between the east and west solutions: And, to be fair, the rum has had it's effect at this point and this could just be a cast
  12. O Fortuna, velut Luna statu variablilis semper crescis aut decrescis nive detestabilis SREF nunc obdurat et tunc curat ludet mentis aciem
  13. PBP is the way. 21z SREF is, so far, sharper with the trough, if not deeper (15z vs 21z). Sharpest depiction of the trough yet:
  14. 18z Euro FWIW. Not much difference between it and 12z, as far as I can tell at this resolution: Winter panels will probably need another 30 minutes before they're out
  15. I think you're kind of in the same boat as the rest of us, but with worse climo forcing the possibilities the wrong way. Not out of the game, but places N and NW have a better shot.
  16. I wonder if there is a scenario where the trough could dig so much, that it could shift the precip axis from being N - S to more SSE - NNW? One thing I have consistently noticed in MRX's AFDs, is that they are very impressed with the forcing dynamics.
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