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About Holston_River_Rambler

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    Morgan County

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  1. That was some '96 like weather at the end of the 12z GFS.
  2. Also, it is still "slikerin' owl snot" on my deck this AM.
  3. Some interesting radar obs this AM. Ft. Campbell snow band overnight: A streamer off of Lake Michigan kinda sorta held together to make it to N. TN east of Nashville this AM: ZOOMed in:
  4. Just walked out and same here, minus any flakes.
  5. Flurries up here in MoCo now and a howling N wind.
  6. I also don't like to to see BAMWX chest thumping on X. Bad sign. Totally unscientific to let that to worry me, but it is what it is.
  7. Yeah that trough hung up over the SW doth maketh me a bit nervesome. We're firmly in MJO 6 after having spent several weeks in 4/5 and I always feel like there is a lag in the pattern over North America. I think we've seen this so many times though we're a little "once bitten twice shy" any time that trough starts to set up in the southwest.
  8. MRX has modified their expectations:
  9. Finally got some really nice thunder here! Make of that what ye will for the pattern.
  10. HRRR has a pretty helicity swath over the current warned storm and paints another one over my head, later today! Joy
  11. Tornado warning SW of Nashville and East of Jackson:
  12. MRX mentions possibility of a tornado tomorrow. This seems like the sort of conditional set up that has surprised us the past couple of years. I am by no means a severe enthusiast, but time of day and any potential clearing, relative storm motion, yada yada just strikes me as having some sneaky potential. We need some thunder either way.
  13. Deck measure pic, taken of course on the most elevated surface in a shady spot: Heavy wet snow stuck to everything, especially windward:
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