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Save the itchy algae!

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Everything posted by Save the itchy algae!

  1. Driving from Farragut towards Powell and it looks like It’s back to a mix around west hills.
  2. It poured snow for ten minutes, turned ground white, changed to rain.
  3. Rain getting heavier in Farragut. Disappointing. It started with heavy snow.
  4. Finally figured out my password situation. Glad to be back!
  5. Same to you! You’re my go to for updates when I’m stuck in the hospital.
  6. Made it back to Farragut. It was mostly rain all along 75/40 but had some snow mix in and it was 34 degrees. I hit Pelissippi and it changed to 70/30 sn/rn mix at 33. Once I passed Costco it dropped to 32 and became all snow. At the house there’s slush on everywhere but the roads/sidewalks/etc. just as I walked in it changed to freezing rain but looks like it’s back to snow now.
  7. I’m leaving the hospital in Powell now and it’s light rain and 36. Will give update on way home to Farragut.
  8. I’m off work now so you can talk dirty. 19 in Powell 21 in Farragut. Mostly clear skies with perhaps a slight haze.
  9. I’ve seen radiational cooling offset waa before, but that was in KS where radiational cooling takes on a different meaning than here. That place turns into a moonscape with just a little snow on the ground. Good cooling + waa usually means nice lift though
  10. Why? MRX looks like the only zone in the entire region that gets nothing from this outside of coastal SE states, am I missing something? Depression setting in hard for this miss.
  11. I’m about sick of MRX and their measurements. I need to see their ruler dammit.
  12. My aunt lives in cedar bluff and she said she had nothing.
  13. If Nash is a hole surrounded by rims then Knox is the Mariana trench surrounded by the Himalayas.
  14. I’m a little disappointed with the afd wording. They just don’t seem too impressed z
  15. @Holston_River_RamblerI don’t know, the wiser person would take the ‘what could go wrong with this’ mindset and work backwards to gain insight. You got me beat already. I just measured snow and made a nice presentation.
  16. I’m not going to disagree with you and I’ve only been following valley weather/climate for the last five years or so-I’m no expert. That said, in previous southern locations I lived I rarely ever had a melted equivalence of less than 10:1. In fact the lowest I’ve ever gotten is 8:1 and that was in an absolute slopstorm. Again not arguing but I think 10:1 is fair for most assuming no significant mixing. I actually did a project with KSHB when I lived in KC to determine the average ratio for the winter events there in 2006. The lead met was certain it would be around 10-12:1, it ended up being 18:1 which was significant because he said 20:1 ratios were rare outside of lake/ocean/orographic impacted locations, which KC obviously has none of. That said, if a 3” snow falls and the nws logs it as 1.7” like they seem to do here a lot then 15:1 can become 8:1 rather quickly.
  17. How do you guys upload pics here? It’s telling me max size is 1.95MB. That seems small.
  18. I’m currently off Emory Road by the hospital along 1-75 and the precipitation is very light and appears to be plain rain/showers. I’m not sure about temperature.
  19. Again I’ll be following your overnight updates as I’m stuck in Powell.
  20. Just rain in Farragut from that band. Still upper 30’s.
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