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About Zeppy

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Sullivan county NH 1,320'

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  1. Right, 12.3" in Brat means they need a swath of 18-24 through Stratton
  2. Interesting that BTV adds ALB counties despite the differing opinions.
  3. Anybody else seeing this? R Running east/west south of Ascutney. Maybe a house fire last night?
  4. Yep, midwinter feel since Thanksgiving, but forecast has 15hrs over 40 with 2" rain. Once again, a snowy December and a brown icy Christmas
  5. .gov called for less than an inch, approaching 3" now
  6. 11.5" seems to have switched to a little of everything. 26.6
  7. 2hr delay for school tomorrow...is it just me or does that seem ridiculous? New superintendent being overly cautious perhaps.
  8. Probably a stupid question...has anyone seen the CT River north of Lancaster? Supposed to paddle from Bloomfield this weekend. We cancelled but I'm curious if it's as bad as we assume. The gauge at North Stratford is very compared to normal.
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