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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. Little over 5 here.. but about 5" is all I could feel confident about
  2. Could we start a Wikipedia page for Jebwalks??? Snowing nicely
  3. Dude..already approaching 3 inches. Expected this by daybreak. If we get to 4 by midnight I will be believing 10 inches is within grasp.
  4. Heading to half an inch quick. Careful out there. Was slipping all over the place on a quick store trip. Some intentional!
  5. Was very light snow until about 30 mins ago.ground whitening, roads already caving with a steady light snow now. Fixed and readied the snow blower and just watching it fall. Jebwalk in the not too distant future. 30/27.
  6. I just measure it... Probably about the same as your back yard here. Ripping virga
  7. 26/20 - May hook up the hose and air compressor and try the snow machine idea! May not!
  8. Wow. 6z GFS hates Virginia. What an odd storm
  9. What we already know and summed up well.. But terrible for mby
  10. The synoptic elements for the storm are not! So we can start looking at items that will impact Day 4 by Day 2/3.. so we are getting close to shutting the window! We can still be wrong, but it will have to be something new the models have been missing consistently for MANY MANY model runs now..
  11. The phase idea seems less and less likely... it was the Hail Mary for us weenies.. and, like Lucy taking the football away, it is less and less likely! Here is the deal: Been great to have a threat! Southern streams are so wet and this will be a doozy of a system Thank goodness this is even before the start of Meteorological Winter. I will hate looking at % of normal snow for the season and be far less than south We have time! Hoping long range gives us more hope. There is probably going to be a north trend, but that wall has to come down.. it may really hurt or be a 30 minute ride to see a lot of snow! See y'all at 11 ETA - Meant regular Winter! Meteorological winter started December 1st! OOPS!
  12. I just see the wall of 1040 Highs depicted..
  13. Happy Derecho Day! https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang/wp/2013/06/28/derecho-2012-ten-tell-tale-images-of-historic-land-hurricane/
  14. First Snowmaggedden still wins. The heavy snow, lightning and because no one believed me after snopacalypse that we would get another big one. Maybe we will add 2/9/2016
  15. Coming from Richmond I was blown away by PDII - Biggest snow I had ever seen and I thought would ever see! Then we had Snowpacalypse and I was shocked to see almost the same amounts.. I was blown away. BUT NOTHING compared to the S+ hours of snow that I saw in Snowmaggeden I - I saw lightning on and off all night long and just was in AWE! I shoveled every hour until 2am and was just blown away by what I was witnessing... I remember being outside and it was quiet out except the snow as it bounced off my jacket and thinking it was the most surreal thing I had ever seen... like another planet! I will unlikely see anything like that! I measured 33 inches of snow.. and I was in awe! Shoveled for another 8 hours to get all the snow away from stuff even though I had tried to make it less of a burden the night before. EPIC - Unbelievable.. makes me want a time machine to experience that again! OH ya - THE PIVOT ON RADAR! That was unmatched in radar beauty!
  16. How about the number of days we have seen a trace or more of snow and how many days with snow on the ground? In Purcellville starting way back in November, I have seen snow fall like 24 days. And snow on the ground about the same number. Any records on these?
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