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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. https://spaceweatherarchive.com/2019/08/27/why-are-sunsets-turning-purple/
  2. 38 degrees so far this morning in Purcellville. Radiational cooling ftw.
  3. Could not help but share this! Just some humor for those that have not seen this bit! Hilarious!
  4. I put this is the Discobs thread - but I would guess this is digital snow/mix to some extent!
  5. What is WPC seeing? LOL - Mixed Precip in MD/PA? No... I highly doubt that!
  6. .48 from earlier showers. Nice to see some rain.
  7. The weekend looks like it will be nice! Anyone thinking we see a real nice cooldown first weekend in September?
  8. Earlier Tweet from NWS Sterling! Half an inch of rain in 3 minutes!
  9. This thing is a crazy lightning producer! https://www.lightningmaps.org/?lang=en#m=oss;t=3;s=0;o=0;b=;ts=0;z=12;y=39.0308;x=-77.588;d=2;dl=2;dc=0;
  10. This little rotating storm out here looks interesting! Looks to be rotating. Not great structure.. but maybe it will get its act together or fall apart.
  11. Hit or miss interesting. This one has less a look in our back yards, but slight adjustments in many differing factors could have a larger impact. We will have to see how it evolves.
  12. And we switched.. Sleet and rain.. 33 degrees. Lame
  13. Finally seeing a white coating on the grass and mulch. Deck is getting close to getting white.. Slushy. 33 degrees
  14. Imagine how much worse it would be in a week with DST! Good thing this happened today! - We say this crap every year! Need rates and snow at night! 35/30 here - some intermittent spits of flurries.
  15. First flakes flying in Purcellville, 37/26 -
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