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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. I approve of this message! NOW - can every other model please fall in line with this please?
  2. We needed a big shift south though! Because we know the inevitable tomorrow!
  3. Well this Stinks - Trends went poorly overnight. Hopeful they stabilize or reverse a little bit today. Starting to get fuel myself based on that correction. Euro has been running cold. Nam has led the way on most systems this year. If the event were imminent I would be happy with the set up for MBY...but this has the Lucy feel on snow. It will be a Significant storm.. But I think deep down we see and know what is happening here.
  4. I am certain they are trying to get people's attention because they are still recovering from the last event and may be just focused on that. Power companies have to be crying. Fuel companies have to be grinning ear to ear.
  5. Will have to see what the survey says.. But wow.
  6. The radar showed a strong couplet. Very intense winds. Definitely looked like it touched down
  7. I started one for a soaking rain storm just so we had a place to complain and post the flooding that was occurring. It was depressing, but at least it was a place to commiserate
  8. NAM is the ice storm we do not want. Still on its own I think, but not where we want it! We need the consensus.. we do not have it yet!
  9. Someone may do a Leroy Jenkins soon and just post one! I do laugh at "Science Minded" people that are all about evidence based truth.. then get all bent out of shape on a Jinx and curse of a storm thread! To quote a famous song! "God is great. Beer is good. But people are crazy!" Weather Weenies are crazier! My banter shall end here!
  10. Let's hope the second Ice Storm in a week does not come true for Richmond area! Would be just awful!
  11. Was mixing Rain and sleet, but seems to be almost all sleet at the moment Purcellville. 28/23
  12. Still too early! Just tired of the tracking, model watching, and disappointment! Worse than usual! Kind of want a break! Wish it was earlier in winter though
  13. The weather is broken! I am sick of the riding the fence crap and the DC area snow hole.. Bring on Spring at this rate.
  14. About 0.5" from wave 1. But still great to take a walk as the ground remains white! And then this guy showed up!
  15. So the snow that the GFS showed in northern Virginia yesterday appears to have gone north. @Ji I think we are cursed
  16. The only thing I think could have helped was the +PNA - But I mean - I want Unicorns.. Agree that this year has been a tough one. We had most all the checklist covered except a few items.. but you should not have to get all right to get some good snows. This has been a suck winter in many ways. But, one storm could get many to Climo, but there are still many, especially easy of 95, totally starving from lack of snow. Crazy year! LA Nina and the ripping and shearing of systems was definitely an issue. And the set up now is not ideal.. but you would think we could get something to break the right way!
  17. Still sleet/rain mix here in Purcellville.
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