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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. LOL!!!!! I Copied the map.. updated the key and pasted the copied map without the key!
  2. CMC is so slow, but does not give me any assurances at 102. It is so slow.
  3. Give it time! It will be! You got 6? Maybe for now! LOL! But I was ready for a big one! What a freaking crazy way the models have handled this! Such bizarre challenges and changes! Big one's are rare in our back yards, so I just need to remember that!
  4. Truth! These usually get worse rather than better for us. Once the west and rain/snow line gets north and west, we tend to continue that trend and end up in a very bad spot!
  5. It is in a similar position as before but looks a bit slower and warmer for folks. Probably a tick west. Not good due to the intrusion of warm air and low position
  6. This has such a classic look for the Winchester folks to see 2 feet+.. I mean, if it all holds. Zoom calls/Radio show futures seem likely. I hope all continues.
  7. If we were 24 hours before go time, I would be excited. I feel like Lucy has another football!
  8. It was looking good, but just did not go negative in time. NC does well
  9. Light freezing rain in Purcellville. 31 degrees. My sidewalk and driveway are not bad but the steps and deck are slick!
  10. That and boxing day disasters are just awful to talk about.
  11. JB would predict snow and cold in a summer thunderstorm if he could talk long enough!
  12. There has never been a more accurate and truthful post than this one. It is an Americanwx Hall Of Fame type post!! I am laughing, tearing up, and feeling proud of how wierd everyone really is here. It is beautiful in a sick and bizarre way! Cheers to weather freaks and misfits!
  13. This is so true Bob! Thanks for posting. I mean, I was all doom and gloom, and only expecting to see cold and snow maybe in February if we were lucky! This winter is now better than I expected. Additionally, I thought I was right while sweltering in December. I do suspect we have another warmer stretch at some point before maybe one last hurrah to make winter last a bit longer after the pattern changes.. but I can hope it doesn't change! I like winter to feel and be like winter that I want! Today is that kind of winter.. I know I live in the wrong part of the world to get this every year, but it makes even smaller events special. ALSO, great to see you pop in here some and comment! I learned so much from you over the last several years!! You may have thought from a productive side of things this was all a waste, but for weenies on this board, your knowledge and input were invaluable and I thank you very much! That probably did not help your paycheck, or maybe even relationships since this was such a time suck.. but thank you for pouring it into this board!
  14. Ya! Super cold out! Feels nice and super wintry with fresh snow! What a difference a week makes!
  15. 3.5" Just SW of Purcellville. Beautiful outside!
  16. Super small snow pixies falling in Purcellville.. I mean.. They look like dust..
  17. I liked the 3k Nam out my way of course. Hug it for now
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