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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. GFS Ridge looks terrible next week! Hoping things do not get this bad, but I have felt we have been lucky so far and that the luck will run out for later June and July.
  2. Several just east of me were saying they thought they had a tornado. I was hoping to look at the radar at the time, but was unable. I do not know if the NWS was going to take a look or not. BTW, I was pretty sure that is what I was seeing, but I was not going to just say it was without others agreeing. Anyways, I went right under it, but was in a car and not a good spot to photograph it. This was exactly what I saw as well.
  3. I know this is days late! This was what the storms that came through and caused the wind damage and hail last week looked like as they were going through Purcellville. I did not take this photo and take no credit for them (Here is the original https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=3196421617280200&set=pcb.2254113818069568) but I saw the same thing! Looked very impressive! What do you all think these are? Reminds me of a rotating storm with a wall cloud.
  4. My weather station decided to screw up and measured a -40F last night! That is kind of messing with my stats for June so far! LOL! I was outside late last evening and it was awesome and nicely cool!
  5. Does anyone have radars in the Purcellville to Leesburg area yesterday when the severe was coming through? A lot of damage from wind and I swear I saw a wall cloud while driving into Leesburg (my son has some video I need to review). A lot of trees down and not all in one direction in the area. I wonder if NWS will take a look. A friend of ours swears a tornado went through their property, but I have not been able to visit. This was the same one that then hailed on Leesburg. Thanks!
  6. It was good in Purcellville at the start with some serious heavy rain too. Did not last too long but picked up 0.3 inches in about 10 minutes
  7. This looks like something! SW VA - Just noting the supercell look on these storms.
  8. Man, that cell south of Bedford looks like it is trying to spin up.. we will see. Not good.
  9. Getting peaks of sun in Purcellville. Air feels thick with temps staying in the low 70s. Better clearing is heading this way.
  10. Nice downpour but little wind here in Purcellville. We have had almost 0.4 inches of rain in the last 15 minutes so it is a soaker!
  11. I was about to come over here and mention the same. Let's hope the GFS is messed up! It kind of looks unsettled on most of that run for the east.
  12. Getting the feeling we are going to be wetter from this southern system than what we first thought. Trending north a bit. We shall see!
  13. 0.86 yesterday. Nice lightning and Thunder - a double rainbow... was good. The lawn was mowed 30 minutes before the unload and looks so nice today!
  14. 86 for a high... felt like the low 90s at one point! YUCK! Clouds held off first day that we were supposed to see 90.
  15. 0.23 here in Purcellville overnight. That was a surprise because I did not even realize it was that much!
  16. Looks like a lot of crapvection is robbing potential. Some breaks northern Loudoun and north but the stuff to the south is eroding the instability.
  17. 73.. and so nice out there! Pollen accumulating though, so sneezing is quite common!
  18. Snowballs falling in Purcellville!!
  19. Paved driveway is caving on the edges and anywhere that is colder due to shade. 32.7 degrees with heavy snow in Purcellville.
  20. Incredible! Down to 33 degrees with heavy snow! All grass, mulch, and now cars getting white. Deck is covered! 33/32
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