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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. 21 degree cold. Ohhhh how I live cold crisp air in the morning!
  2. GFS - WTH! LOL!!!! Honestly, I thought the Euro had kind of this look a few days ago.. maybe a bit more north and west. Well.. that is fun.
  3. Sitting at 37 - cloudy! what an awesome winter day!
  4. SMACK! LOL! For real, us weenies need to keep reality in check. The rules apply: Way too early to get excited Climo We need luck which will be hard to see if we have any Climo It is November Models suck and are guidelines Climo OK - The message is there! BUT, I do like the upper level patten .. BUT - Climo! LOL!
  5. I gotta rock. I saw the radar returns between 5 and 6am, but they were north. Saw a few flurries late last evening, but nothing like what folks in parts of Maryland saw! Looks cool!
  6. Yes, just finished my 2 miles for St Jude fundraising in the dark and spits of flurries now and again.. bonus to an awesome sermon I was streaming from Tony Evans.
  7. CPC is seeing some potential for some mountain snows.. slight chance - But something
  8. 0.77 so far here! Good dose of rain. Almost looks like gravity waves on radar, but that may just be some radar oddness! NWS Radar (weather.gov)\
  9. Woot.. Sleet and some flakes now!! Yay!
  10. Little bit of sleet and rain mixed here in Purcellville. I want to make it snow so I keep thinking I see a flake! Wishful thinking though!
  11. 28.3 for a low. Ha, my weather station says light snow currently. I feel like it is just trying to get me to look outside. Ha... I did check radar. Lol
  12. GFS Set up seems just off.. many other factors seem to dampen any ideas of snow later next week. Not that I was counting on it, but we have a nice, wet, nor'easter like set up but missing ingredients! Not super cold, no blocking, etc.. a perfect low swing would have to have been the case, and that is unlikely. I was liking the 500MB though.. Climo is also an obvious factor, a little later may have been a little fun.. maybe..others can tell me other things wrong with this picture!
  13. Being within a week seems just beyond fantasy land and some speculation time. The maps help get a sense of what the models think. I like them for the shortcut of seeing them. BUT, I do get worried about the responses that then cloud with the same graphic again and again.
  14. BWI: 17.9 DCA: 12.6 IAD: 23.4 RIC: 18.1 Tiebreaker LYH: 19.1
  15. Hit 80 degrees here at 3:36 PM - Crazy warm for November.
  16. Was noticing this as well. Quick cold shot then a shift back to normal or slightly above. I mean, a lot of time to get the details.
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