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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. I have not looked! @dtk is the man on models. I had also reached out because I think people knock the 6z and 18z models like we should not concern ourselves with off run times. I think he debunked that myth a while back once better tools were put in place. I dunno. The Euro seems as unreliable as any other model can be these days. Good common sense and meteorology has to be used. This set up is so unique that I would be super cautious about getting my hopes up! But a fluke lucky event is possibly our better chances these days!
  2. Seems so logical of a set up! I mean, it could happen. It likely will not! LOL! - Looks good now. I need the bullseye 7 days out though to feel more confident!
  3. Hey - sorry to bug you, but you are the authority! Is it true (and I no longer think it is) that the 6z and 18z runs are less reliable that the 0Z and 12z for the GFS. I feel you squashed that concern a long while ago. I am asking because I still hear it! Like the old "Convective feedback" arguments! :) 



    1. dtk


      Sorry, I haven't logged on in a while. The 6z/18z runs are statistically indistinguishable than 0z/12z runs. That's not to say there aren't some differences in behavior for various cycles, especially regionally and for individual events, but the reasons for that are actually quite complicated (and not just a matter of with/without sondes). There is meaningful justification to state that 6z/18z is less reliable and 12z/00z.

      The main justification I can give is if that the 6z analysis didn't assimilate any data at all, a 120 hour forecast from that time would be identical to a 126 hour forecast at 0z.  I could go on and on about this, but I'll leave it there for now.

  4. I did not even post about Christmas like some did, or the favorable pattern finally showing up! I take no blame this time! OK - Edit: I did last week! That is true! Maybe that was the domino that led to this one.. I did mention favorable pattern
  5. Luck! We always need luck! And more than ever before these days!
  6. The winter of ever delays! It feels like this may the case. How about the 45 day Snow outlook.. I think maybe something is showing up on this in the southeast! We get that Nina split too! Painful. Reminds me or 2010 - 2011 season
  7. Low of 19.5 degrees was so crip and refreshing! Seems the coldest it will be for at least a week or so.
  8. 61.3 degrees. Very nice outside. 0.26 inches of rain today.
  9. Things don't look great in the mid range... And now I would not trust anything in the long range. Depressing to have models miss on what looked pretty consistent. I mean, it is guidance and weather is not something easy to predict. In the mid Atlantic the main prediction should be that it will probably not work out favorably.
  10. I mean.. something tried to happen. Timing, luck, etc. Also, so different! The CAD at the start there was stout! Period between the 10th and 13th I guess remains interesting.
  11. Kind of dried it up.. if it is not going to snow, fine with me. Things look different this run.
  12. EPS says - maybe something. The boards are all kind of quiet or negative today as we realize that things are not as good looking as they once were. Sorry @Ji and everyone!
  13. AHAHAHAHAHA! You posted too! Whose fault was it really?
  14. Euro kind of saves the day. Fizzling out Energy does a Miller B - BUT, honestly, a non-pumped system spitting out a little snow is not bad. The trailer looks a bit warm and gets going later but is warm. Things not as great looking all around today as they were in previous days. Transitions are very hard for models to get right.. much less the pieces of energy and how they behave.
  15. Southern slide is so possible. Nothing more infuriating to me than it snowing south of me!
  16. I have been honing in on the many different people that have been honing in on something happening in December. I have heard: The 7th - 10th the 10th through the 12th the 15th through the 20th I MEAN COME ON! There is no window of opportunity here.. the windows have been removed and replaced with French doors that have been left wide open at this point. I gather a pattern with a lot of potential so models will be jumping like crazy. Any time I see strong Negative NAOs, and we have Nina, southern sliding disappointment always stays in the back of my mind. Too early to worry about details.
  17. https://www.pivotalweather.com/model.php?m=epsens&p=500h_anom-mean&fh=loop&dpdt=&mc=
  18. Follow up wave hope there! As long as the cold still gets here. It was looking different on the models!
  19. You all and your reasonable posts! Thank goodness for some reason in the midst of weenie hype. OR, we could say, we are due? LOL! The December 5th events that we always refer to when that date comes around is just fine by me! A wave on a front or even a couple few inch clippers would make me hungry for more but happy to get some events!
  20. BTW - Yesterday we only managed 0.11 of rain. Temp today was 58.8 at 2:30am and the lowest so far is 47.6 and just happened. Highest wind measured was 28mph at about 8:40am
  21. You are not the weenie! It is a weenie's dream post! - I, a weenie, love the post! AND, I agree - from my limited Weenie knowledge, that the map is beautiful! The only weenie part of it is that it is too far away to put a ton of weight in it yet! I love it, but do I believe it? I am not sure, yet! No offense meant to you at all! Thank you for posting here and providing insights!
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