I started looking at models and was ready to say we were out of luck again.. but radar was not in sync with it! Then I saw the SPC as well. Seems we have some triggers.. can it happen? I hope so!
Yep.. down the street from you. I luckily had more rain than you (a little more than 2 times) at 1.19 inches. but it is bad! Most saw less than an inch and all grass is brown or yellow. Trees show serious signs of stress. I am on a well and have been telling everyone to conserve in the house! I do not want a dry well.
Hoping for some chances of rain that are not showing, but we do look like 10 days of dry and hot weather!
Not sure I am seeing things right, but it seems we had a little more North Northwestward jog based on satellite images. Anyone else see this? It is not too significant, but could have some implications!
This picture continues the yellow lawn! Not good! Maybe we can improve it! The return to above normal and dry weather the following week is going to start to get me more worried! We need rain!