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Everything posted by midatlanticweather

  1. West to east moving systems with dry airmasses get that down sloping dryness! Systems like this then get more moisture as they reached the coast, but the leeward side miss some of the goods! Feels that way many times even in summer, unless the airmass is juicy, storms kind of split for me out here SW of Purcellville. The January 2 snow events did the same for me. Anyways.. ranting about MBY sitting at about 2 inches of snow less from the January storms but getting over an inch yesterday is kind of foolish!
  2. 1.7 inches on the cars. About 1.3 on the deck. I am going with 1.3 for this event. Was beautiful coming down. It has come to an end here in Purcellville.
  3. Snowing well in Purcellvillle. It was even heavier about 20 minutes ago. Ground is white and the roads have a little slush. Beautiful.. But I am out of the yellow radar bands already.
  4. ^try Kuchera and I would still think overdone. Also... HRRRRRRRRRRRR is always a bit pumped! We got Hrrrrrred
  5. I want to believe, but think this will be the picture early next week! Shoot, this may be too much precipitation as well.
  6. You made a classic blunder. The first and most important is to never start a land war in Asia. The second, somewhat less known but equally as important, is never trust weather models showing snow in the Mid Atlantic until you see it on radar at your doorstep or out your window.
  7. Chasing pattern changes has been a tiring process several years in a row. I am impressed with the persistence of some people doing so. I have grown weary and keep wondering if it is all an illusion. I think next week will be rain. I am not counting on anything more than cold liquid. I hope the changes that are supposed to happen after it are real and matter. It seems like a cold dry pattern to me. Thanks for the work people
  8. This has been a great year for beautiful long-range model lies! In all seriousness, I hope we see some consistency and things hold. Once we started kicking the can, it seems to have stuck!
  9. This winter is like Groundhog day for the last several years! We look in the future, get excited, and then get a gut punch or below the belt. Lame! Need to break the curse!
  10. We really need to take full advantage of whatever window we have. We better not kick anymore either. This board has cursed more than I can remember! I have heard cursing in excitement and reality of failures! I am ready to break the curse of the endless delays.
  11. @Ji - What is happening in Loudoun! LOL! Anyways, this was a wild run.
  12. Both Euro and GFS show some hope in windows and a lot to be resolved with some crazy storm motion!
  13. 76 here as well! My "feels like" says it is 81! Last week I was shoveling snow!
  14. 13 Year Anniversary pf Carmaggedon! - NUTS. I was on the road for 6 hours trying to get home. Heavy snow and Thundersnow as I traveled. January 26, 2011 Snowfall (weather.gov)
  15. 63 degrees already!! 63 dp as well. Bit foggy!
  16. Seems inevitable. Now let's see if the Euro does the opposite! LOL! I do not think it will but would be fun.
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