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Everything posted by Climate175

  1. It kinda looks similar, but you and I know it's not going to look exactly like that 13 days from now.
  2. There is digital snow in some places N and W this run long range lol.
  3. I'm not sure where you are located, but If you are N and W of I-95, then that would be expected.
  4. I won't as I remember it's only mid-December and I-95 and East is not climatology favored to get big snow at this time. If you're at those expectations, you can't be disappointed. If you having high expectations of a big hit of snow, then....
  5. You can't rule anything out yet. Let's see what happens!
  6. Do realize we would be getting a decent snow a week before Christmas in our region if it is 6-12 inches and above. It's been a while since that happened, and we might still have the snow on the ground on Christmas Day itself with the cold temps.
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