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Everything posted by Albedoman

  1. Absolute horse shite. 70% of rain to zilch 3 events in a row over the last 3 weeks. Mt Holly just stop predicting rain until every model indicates more than .25 of rain in a 24 hour period. If padep does not issue a drought warning, they can kiss m0y as%.
  2. the drought guy is now saying that a drought watch will be issued now. The Green Lane reservoir in Montgomery county is the lowest I have ever seen in the last 30+ years . Philly relies on this water. Allentown's Little Lehigh water source will be next. The sinkholes have continued to open up and will only get worse. If we do get heavy rain, the sinkholes will really open up. Personally, I see red flag warnings coming in the next few weeks as the dry cold fronts will make the Pine Barrens and forest floors a tinder box with the falling leaves. Very little color as the leaves are just turning brown and falling off- even the maple and poplar trees. These Florida hurricanes are literally sucking the living shit out of available mositure to be transported to the NE with normal frontal passages. The GOM and Atlantic has been turned off and with the Alleghenies/Appalachian mountains in PA, all the rain is being dumped in Ohio and western PA is being rung out and we are left in a desert. Last night's 80% rain and thunderstorms that was in the forecast on Friday dwindled to shit in 24 hours. Need I say more? This pattern is really bad. Landscapers cannot reseed because its to dry, new trees must be watered sucking down the creeks and other water sources and no significant rains in the next 2-4 weeks PADEP better wake up
  3. one inch of rain while good for the grass and stop the browning process, is not recharging the ground water tables or stream flows. They continue to drop and rapidly. How do I know this for a fact? Another serious sinkhole opened up last night in Catasaqua just like I called over three weeks ago. The sinkhole formation will get much worse over the course of the next several months as the groundwater tables fall. Watch what happens if get 5 inches of rain, then they will open up even more as the sinkhole cavities erode quickly from closed depressions and voids filling up with water again. https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/lehighvalley/lehigh-county/northern-lehigh-county/large-sinkhole-in-catasauqua-nearly-swallows-van/article_7654eda4-7da2-11ef-957b-7b91b426a602.html#tncms-source=More-from-newsroom-(right-column)
  4. Flood warning here in Macungie. The street is damp and the pavement still dry where the trees overhang the street. LOL
  5. 0.0 in the LV what a joke. Anything north of turnpike basically received nothing. a wall of suppression thats for sure. The Sahara conditions live on
  6. 0.0 Places from Harrisburg to York got some precip. The entire complex for the umpteenth time hit the Blue Mts and completely died That was 40% chance . It will take an 80% chance of rain to actually cause measurable precip for our area. Precip chance for the rest of the week have already fallen from 70% to 50%. Not looking good thats for sure. By the way back to back hurricanes for the GOM area in the next two weeks and the LR show none of it hitting here. Thats just plain crazy.
  7. well, it made channel 69 news tonight https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/southeastern-pa/officials-watching-reservoir-levels-in-mont-co-urge-residents-to-conserve-water/article_b9f19726-7797-11ef-9b46-bb83d07735ae.html#tncms-source=More-from-newsroom-(right-column)
  8. This afternoons GFS runs indicate back to back hurricanes at less than 930 mb (Katrina) in the GOM Time to take these storms seriously. Two strong Cat 4 + hurricanes will destroy many areas and I see massive evacuations taking place. However the first hurricane dies over the TN Valley and never hits us with little tropical remnants like Francine. The desert climate regime will be maintained. Had a back hoe near my property replacing a 24 in stormwater pipe. The ground 4-6 ft down in the trench was literally like powder. I have never seen the entire soil profile that dry. As I said a few days ago, the maple leaves are just now turning brown too and falling off now- scorched. Not much red in the leaf color this year.
  9. I love MT Holly weather discussions . Here it is at 3 in the morning Current conditions at Allentown Queen City Municipal Airport (KXLL) Lat: 40.57°NLon: 75.49°WElev: 400ft. Partly Cloudy 66°F 19°C Humidity83% Wind SpeedN 3 mph Barometer30.13 in Dewpoint61°F (16°C) Visibility10.00 mi Last update18 Sep 2:35 am EDT Yes guys , it is so COOL. Nobody can sleep when it is dam near 70 degrees with 80%+ humidity without the AC on. Please stop identifying 60 degrees as cool for overnight lows.
  10. a no brainer- team drought city- by 5 touchdowns. Winner CMC .10 in north of Rt422 with .50 in closer to philly. If you really want to see irrefutable evidence of the seriousness of the current drought conditions that (MT Holly and other naysayers keep denying) that we are in, just drive over to Green Lane Reservoir near Green Lane on RT 29 in Montgomery County. The reservoir is down by at least ten feet and the past water line marks are clearly shown on the bridge piers while crossing the reservoir. Furthermore, the banks are now extended at least 10 feet out into the lake. That is the lowest level I have seen in a real long time. This reservoir directly feeds the metro Philly area as their main water source when the the Schuylkill river levels are down. They have to reduce pumping out of the river because of the existing sewage treatment plants from Hamburg/Reading/Pottstown/Collegeville/ Phoenixville/ Oaks/Audubon and the Limerick Nuclear cooling tower plant discharges when the river flows are down big time. That why I really think the these govt officials are literately full of shit when it comes to drought talk. They are not hydrologists- I am.
  11. who is MT Holly kidding? .25 of an inch, thats just enough to get the streets wet for several hours. That's it. A dust rinse for the top of the cars. Its not even enough to get the dead bugs off the windshield. The leaves are just going to turn to brown and yellow and fall off. The corn will be dry enough to harvest by next week and the soybean fields are bright yellow now. The weather discussion keeps screaming 2 in downpours south of Philly. Have not seen a 2 in downpour here in western Lehigh county that since late July. Meanwhile everyone north of the turnpike is burning up.
  12. no hell yet but if we do not get 1-2" rains by the the third week in Sept, we will be in a drought watch if not a warning. I am pissed off because this is perfect grass seeding weather as far as temps go but with no rain, the yard bare spots will be hard to heal before the frost and freeze sets in. Got down to 43 last night at my house however not much dew on the grass which is not a good sign for relieving the drought conditions.
  13. ye p , I called it over a week ago. Here come the sinkholes- twice in less than a week in Palmer Township. The groundwater tables are dropping like a rock-- literally https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/easton/2024/09/25-foot-deep-sinkhole-opens-across-parking-lot-from-palmer-twp-warehouse.html
  14. I agree. If we have accumulating snow the week after Thanksgiving, we will be in good shape. We need the cold arctic air to be established over us the first week of December, not in Novemeber, otherwise we wast a month tracking perfect scenarios for accumulating snow events.Less than 1 inch events do not count. From the old fart of the forum
  15. wow the drizzle that is falling is really getting the street wet-- IN SPOTS. 40% chance of nothing. Why must they indicate t- storms and get my hopes up? well onto Francine in the next two weeks- our last hope for significant rains until Halloween. You know damn well it will wait until Halloween night to rain hard. At least it will be cooler
  16. Drought guy is pissed off. That meso area out near Somerset just sat there all day is finally moving south. Everything to the north just dried up- a few sprinkles here. That was our last chance of decent rain until 9/12-15 time frame like I emphasized in an earlier post. Folks, the cooler weather drought conditions will not help in reseeding the scorched lawn from all of our 90+ degree days and it will yellow by the end of the week. Stream levels are going to drop quickly now. More sinkholes coming too our area as the water table falls quickly. What to expect this week? Field corn and soybeans will dry up quickly almost overnight. Early harvesting of the corn and soybean fields is expected this year. Pumpkins will be much smaller this year and the fall leaves will turn just turn brown and yellow unless we get a sharp cold front with some moisture come through-- do not see that coming anytime soon. The air will be crisp and cooler on Monday with good sleeping weather for the rest of the week but we really need a tropical storm event up here. Hurricane Francine is aiming for the 12-15th in our general area but the current models say it will go straight up to Canada through the Ohio Valley.
  17. this pitiful crap tonight is just another tease. Nice downpours in central pa tonight near Lewistown will hit the Berks county line and become DOA. This process of missing the area from Macungie to Reading to Quakertown and south toward Limerick is becoming the norm. The cells tonight should break part going south and north of this are. This situation happened last night and it looks to repeat again tonight.
  18. Here is the situation. I will lead you to the land of milk and honey if mother nature allows me. The current train of dying tropical storms near Hawaii will swing around to the north and die out as LP troughs over the Gulf Of Alaska over the next few weeks. With La Nina pattern taking over early, these parade of former tropical storms will become strong LP's hitting the Pacific NW coast from Oregon and especially along the west coast of British Columbia Canada over the course of the upcoming weeks. As they come ashore, they will drag cooler Canadian air masses across the northern areas of the US ( below normal temps for sure) and should be loaded with some cloudy dreary showery/rainy days. We will be edge of this parade of storms and as the recipient of these constant barrage of strong cool fronts sometime after 9/15. Hopefully this Pacific moisture can be maintained all the way to the east coast with these cool fronts. Driving forces for my prediction: any stalled out dying tropical system along the east coast from 9/8 to 9/15 will help fill the creeks as well
  19. And you thought the drought guy was basking in the downpours somewhere? LOL Yards getting crispy again. Just when the grass starting greening again too. Tomatoes are done. Creek levels are stable for now but they will be dropping pretty quickly in the next week without significant rains. Sinkholes popping up in Northampton County along Rt 33- indicating dropping groundwater tables. Wheres the dam tropical storms? The GOM is shut off again.
  20. anybody north and east of Rt 22 and I78 interchange got nailed in the LV. For us in western lehigh County into Berks- hit and miss all day. The flash flood watches were eventually verified near the LVI airport but as a whole another localized event with no widespread flooding. Anybody west of Kutztown- nada for the day. Hopefully with the cold frontal passage tomorrow afternoon everyone gets some some decent rain. Cannot wait for upper 40 temps Wednesday morning . The ac needs a rest and the scorched grass patches needs to regreen from the excessive high soil temps.
  21. Yep, areas to my immediate northwest getting hammered right now- around Kuhnsville to South Whitehall township. I have received about .75 in of rain from various intense but short in duration downpours throughout the day. The saving grace- the sun popped out right after noon and the air became quickly unstabilized. First time in months this has happened. It was refreshing seeing towering cumulonimbus clouds forming all around me with the sun still out. The street dry out, then it rains and the streets steam up. The convective portion of this event has been nice for a change too- again all because the sun came out right at noon instead of right before sunset. This is how summer should be, not cloudy all day with smoke haze hot sticky and no rain in the picture.
  22. The skies finally opened up after we got some sun this afternoon it's nice to see the rain showers pop-up everywhere and heavy downpours it's about d*** time.
  23. flood watch? How about a dry watch? I hope this atmosphere starts to moisten up soon with some convective cells but I am afraid the flood watch maybe canceled. Almost feels like last years winter is approaching because of the Radar virga LOL.
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