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Everything posted by Albedoman

  1. sprinkles in Macungie- 20 miles south- a drenching flooding storm. wow.
  2. what the hell is it the official temps at LVI ? I have two seperate thermometers that are both over 90 degrees yet at the LVI it is only 84 degrees. A few degrees difference is fine but almost 8-10 degrees with no precip in the area? Most other local stations around me are near or above 90 degrees too. Too many days like this this summer. LVI is running toocold IMHO and should be checked for calibration. I know they have had problems in the past month.
  3. the batch of t storms in western PA is going up to NY again. Hit and miss for the LV. We need some t storms to form between Chambersburg and Harrisburg to assure a hit and right now that area is a wiff and blazing hot. Looks like everyone south and just north of RT 422 is going to get some decent rain
  4. no productive heavy rain- light showers.. Just will make it more humid.
  5. Folks, why is MT Holly keep predicting 20% chance of showers the last two days when in fact there is currently nothing currenlty on the radar in the entire state of PA? Why even mention in showers in the forecast? There is no convective forces even in the area and capes are not being broken.
  6. drought guy here says the drought talk --keep it going. LOL. Only a bonfide atlantic coast tropical storm heading our way is going to break this crappy la nina weather pattern. Hit or miss the next 5 days for t showers is not much. Stratified rain or training t- storms is what we need and after Thursday-Friday chance with Beryl's tropical remnants , the precip door gets slammed for weeks while temps say cooking. The talk of the town death Valley and vegas - temps near 130. Been in that back weather in the early 2000's. My foot sandal melted on the pavement in Vegas at 117 degrees . Overnigh lows were in the mid to upper 90's. Went to Death Valley 128 degrees when I drove through the National Park on my way to Yosemite where there was snow on the ground at Tioga pass with temps in the lows 70's neat trip.
  7. I am amazed that southern Lehigh, eastern Berks and northern Montgomery were short changed on precip the last few weeks. I received less than 1.50 all month. I hope July changes as it is the wettest month. The cool front with a nice breeze will be talk the next few days as the DP has literally crashed in the last few hours. The other outstanding factor is the lack of convective lighting and thunder with these cold fronts the last month. I am used to t storms in the early afternoon with big boomers. Where has all of the convective energy gone? No training t storms too. Ouflow boundaries galore with quick washout t- showers rules the roost. Lets see if the remnants of Beryl make it here by the end of next weekend. The pattern may change. still beats the hell out of the smoke like last year.
  8. the drought guy says drought is still on. I got t less than .15 in of rain- just enough to wash away the dust, pollen and dead leaves into the storm sewer. Round two aroud midnight better produce. All the models at this point are unreliable as these storms blow themselves out to quickly. We need training t- storms yet to see that at all this year.
  9. I am sorry for being the debbie downer but we are heading into a serious drought. Today was disgustingly hot near 100 again at the house. I have had not seen this type of hot and dry weather in June since 2011. No rain. The yards are turning yellow bigtime now and the corn in eastern Berks county is getting its ass kicked. The Little lehigh Creek base flow is falling. I see no significant rains in the next 10 days. Tomorrow will be a real killer for the vegetation with dry chinook type winds of 25-30 mph with temps in the mid 80's. The radar tonight looks abysmal
  10. The temps for highs today have not been posted on facebook? I looked at ABE and Reading. Allentown highs are Missing as the temps were stuck at 96.8 degrees for hours . Reading at 3-4 hours over 100 dgrees or better. I think the thermometers burned up LOL
  11. we got about 1000 drops- enought to get the ground wet and runoff into the gutter. Just cranked up the steam. Over 100 degrees today. As I said a few weeks ago , the lawns are burning up in yellow and the corn is spiking. The hit and miss showers are not doing anything but adding to the humidity. The base flows in the creek are finally starting to drop. Drought conditions will become more evident without significant rains by next Wednesday.
  12. what a joke of a cold front . The media in the LV played up the storms to the point that one municipality canceled a food truck event. The media needs to stop the weather hype. The weather service needs to tell them to tone it down with the hype. The storm event had produced a measley .25 in of a 15 minute moderate rain in Lehigh county with some gusty winds. What really ticks me off is that I did not even hear a rumble of thunder. This crappy non-convective pattern has to end. What will it take to experience a ear blasting t- storm event? Well onto to the drought and scalding temps starting on Monday. I really see no convective weather chances in the next 5-10 days- unreal for middle June. This little rain we got today will get the corn up to waist high before it it starts to wilt in the heat and lack of precip. Anyone who mows their lawn this weekend will watch it burn up by next weekend.
  13. lets hope we get a million dollar downpour on Thursday night into Friday for the corn and other crops , otherwise it looks pretty damn dry for the rest of June. Withoot the rain in the next few days, the lawns will turn yellow brown quite easily, especially with mid 90's being predicted. The lawns are really thick but barely wet enough to stay green. The stream flows are average , so I am not concerned with the stream levels so far. Not a drought conditions but another 20 days of below avg rainfall will start to get us there. July is the wettest month but it is not uniform precip coverage for our area. Soem will be crying for rain while other flood. My next thoughts is that way too much precip is falling in middle and southern Fla right now. The dying cold fronts and or low pressure troughs from the mid west hitting Florida have a great environment for tropiocal wave formation and to ride up the east coast right now. If I was a betting man, early July looks to be active with the tropical production in the Gulf of Mxico/Florida coast area.
  14. Lehigh Valley received only spotty showers. Still have not seen a decent thunderstorm this year in Macungie. .64 in of rain overnight. Enough precip to keep things green. This upcoming pattern of somewhat dry but cooler weather is not good for June. The gulf of Mexico has been shutoff for the past month for moisture and the creation of convectivity for daily t-storms. IT appears the daily stratus clouds/showers are in the picture again after this weekend. Boring
  15. what a joke today. The two minute downpours on the half hour gave me an anemic .45 in of a piss poor pollen rinse. Where the hell is all of the convective energy? Stratus cloud cover destroyed any potential today for the upteenth time this year. All I want is a a good 30 minute ear busting thunderstorm but that seems like asking for a noreaster right now. Here it almost June and I have heard thunder less than five times in the last two months. Well on to Wednesday- maybe another chance. Its so dam hard to believe that these line of t storms cannot make it across the state before dying out reaching eastern pa in the past month. Alot of parade organizers that cnaceled their parades are upset as most municiplaities got in their memorial parades before it showered after lunch. 90% chance of severe weather quickly dwindled to 30% after lunch. New forecast model should be no sunshine=no t storms.
  16. wow, I am getting real sick of the media blowing up 3-5 day forecasts with their BS scare tactics. The ignorant public is walking on egg shells. The media takes a 3-5 day forecast and sentionailzes the event in their newspapers. Easton and Phillipsburg publically announced they were canceling their memeorial day parades 3 days in advance. If this was a winter storm maybe yes that might be the case. But a round of afternoon t- storms- give me a break. The media made this sound like it was hurricane hitting this area with torrential downpours ALL DAY. MT Holly needs to make the media post disclaimers that their 3-5 day forecasts are just that-- a forecast- not gospel. I do not fault the NWS but I fault these idiots at the media for blowing this entire forecast out of the water and making the NWS look like idiots at the same time. My thoughts- the NWS should not comment anymore to the press about their forecasts until 48 hours preceeding the event and without a disclaimer. There are too many gullible politicians and ignorant people about weather forecasting and its science and a media who loves to sensationlize anything to sell ads with abolutley no risk. Right now. Great morning for a parade with no t-storms until late this afternoon. The is pretty unstable right now. With the excessive pollen in the air, the setup for severe weather is increasing by the hour. Tornado/severere t-storm watches by 2 pm would be a good bet. That is what the media should be concentrated on.
  17. these storms have died out every evening. Just a light rain shower. Have not had a decent t-storm in weeks. Allentown and points north have seen some rains this past week but Berks, Montgomery and southern part of Lehigh County---- zilch. Just like last year. Hoping Monday pays off.
  18. dumped windows 10. had enough of the constant window update problems, virus crap, and bogging down with new software updates. Hate paying for windows software like word powerpoint etc. Went to linux mint back in 2015 and never looked back. My 12 year old computer with 16 gigs of memory hums like kitten. No viruses, runs quick as hell and use linux mint libre software for free. Updates on its own with nothing running in the background loading up to and and the updates are downloaded on my time, not windows. Major updates are free and best of all no virus checkers. Linux is king.
  19. the media can stick this forecasted inferno summer where the sun doesn't shine ----- oops thats right here. Rinse repeat with drizzle again this weekend. This is just an incredible weather pattern we are stuck in. No storms can fire up east of Columbus Ohio. stratus rain clouds that hang on forever. The amount of mold spores has to be off the charts in our area. I wish for a normal convective squall line to appear with a cold front but I do see that happening until June. What really dislike is the gusty winds that have accompanied these stratus clouds like yesterday with 30 mph gusts and temps in the low 60's Its like fall weather
  20. In my continuing review of after the fact NCEI temperature adjustments for Chester County PA I have reviewed the detailed monthly NCEI average temperatures for all 1,548 months since January 1895. For the first 1,271 months from January 1895 through November 2000. NCEI applied a post hoc chilling adjustment to the reported average temperatures for every single month for each and every year. So for all of those months the average reported temperatures as reported by the NWS Cooperative stations were chilled to an adjusted lower temperature. Since NCEI stopped these non-stop chilling adjustments starting in December 2000... they have now reversed gears and are now applying warming adjustments in 208 of the last 277 months or 75.1% of all months between December 2000 and December 2023. Also of note is that in every single summer month between June and September since way back in June 2006 and continuing through last September 2023....for each of those last 72 consecutive summertime months they have warmed each and every month. Cooling the past and warming the more recent and current years....that will get us to the answer. This averaging only goes to someones agenda for pushing global warming. Time to throw a monkey wrench into this averaging crap-- Urban spawl and imperviousenss with the urban heat island effect. Urban sprawl has a much more significant effect on the urban weather environment. Until these great global warming idiots realize this temp averaging adjustments to prove their point means nada they must consider how the albedo effect too. I can only imagine all of these solar panels installed in the past ten years will do from these huge solar farms and residential homes. The avg temps will start to cool in the upcoming years. When man effects the solar radiation averaging now- basically the NCEI placed an algorithmn to get the results they wish for which is not averaging- it is now considered playing with the numbers.
  21. Seattle weather returns with a vengence for the next two weeks. The only sunny day in the next seven days is Friday and that is not even all sunny. I say screw the monthly average temps discusssion in this forum as its not worth even a discussion because it does not paint the entire picture of this May's weather. With a few days with near 90 highs really does make up for the weeks of 50 degree highs and lower 40's lows. One pathetic t-storm is a joke too. Days on end of cloudy stratus clouds with drizzle/light rain is a landscapers dream for mowing lawns. All I can say if this nasty weather pattern keeps up, we may not see a high in the 90's for all of June. All I want are 2-3 days of sunny days and temps in the low to mid 80's so I can spray my bug killer and clean the green algae off the deck. I guess that is asking for a miracle right now.
  22. well, 45 degrees with moderate rain to srart the day.n What else is new. My heater is on as the house temp cannot even stay at 70 degrees with these cloudy below 50 degree high miserable days. I really hope tomorrow turns out to be sunny but I would expect nothing less than a sunny morning turning into a stratus cloud deck in the afternoon. All I want are 3-5 days of SW winds and chances of t -storms. Guess I wil not see that chance until Memorial day at this juncture. Dying el nino patterns are a real let down.
  23. the high tomorrow barely reaching the 50's. That has to be the coldest high temp I've seen this late in May in a decade or more. Have to turn on the heat maybe. The extensive virga today was a no laughing matter. We finally have some rain now. I can breathe again. Where in the hell are my t-storms? A mid spring without t- storms is like having ten snow virga events in a row. Fustrating
  24. all I can say it is way too cold. Cloudy with 45 degree temps for mid April during the day- BS. Give my heater a rest. No worry with pollen, the drizzle and cold temps keeping the windows shut for now. I see no 75+ degree days until mid May and chance of killing frost or freeze next week. Not a Spring to remember for sure
  25. I tried copying the camera shot from phone the first time. I deleted it and reloaded it. One hell of a graupel thundershower. Ground was white and the cars.. Whole house shook. This was about an hour and half ago in Macungie PA
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