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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. I just looked they changed mine to 3-6 inches...... Lock it and give me a pack of smokes!
  2. I remember this well as a 12 year old, we had major ice as well, probably the worst ice storm I’ve ever seen
  3. I just hope we can get another half inch overnight with these bands!
  4. Got really nice bands setting up central, north valley!
  5. Looks like we are getting banding into the southern valley, started to snow about 5 minutes ago
  6. My daughter just came thru it pretty good Squall she said!
  7. Daughter is stuck in traffic trying to get to the interstate in Sevierville. Anyone up that way know how the interstate is?
  8. Mixing as I drive up to Athens on 75 from Cleveland 37 on car
  9. I’m In Cleveland went from 49 to 42 in 10 minutes light rain falling atm!
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