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Everything posted by Kasper

  1. Here ya go I thought I had the year right, school was out for 17 days!
  2. Correct! @Carvers Gapcorrect me if I’m wrong but I remember an epic ice storm in that time frame as well!
  3. Boy do I remember 84/85, the coldest I’ve ever been and it’s not very hard to remember since we were poor as heck and only had a Outhouse! Trust me -20f and a outhouse you’ll never forget it!
  4. Agreed, I’m taking a Nap lol
  5. Swing that about 15 or 20 miles this way
  6. Even Helen Keller knew the Southern Valley wasn’t getting snow!
  7. Well the sun is about to pop out in the valley, so we are toast
  8. These Models are like my X-Wife always looking for Another solution!
  9. It will be very interesting to see MRX afternoon discussion in a few hours! Will they go the conservative route or will they be as bullish as they were with the last system.
  10. Very quite in here, everyone must be staring at models lol
  11. I agree, I’m not sure he knows what he’s looking at!
  12. Thanks it’s been a crazy busy year for myself, new job, etc, etc, add nausea!
  13. Yep, I’m seeing a few dime size flakes in there as well
  14. You sure, I think that’s ash lol, I see nothing
  15. Big Fatties coming down in Athens.........ohhhhh never mind that’s ash from the burn were about to receive!
  16. 41 with a 26 Dewpoint, I’m screwed and screw you Waa
  17. Beer is hydrating right?
  18. Meanwhile here in Athens, summer has officially started, Balmy 38 degrees
  19. Don’t worry @Stovepipe I’m here
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