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Everything posted by TARHEELPROGRAMMER88

  1. For RDU there is always next year or maybe 4 more years of meh.
  2. Icon is looking much better than earlier. More moisture. I think this is the right idea.
  3. I am here for everyone. Another shoulder to cry on. Raleigh and points east have been struggling for many years now to get even a moderate snowstorm.
  4. And usually the NAM is juicy. Smh, nail in coffin for most of the board. Wow, the models are struggling lately.
  5. But then that takes the fun out of things. Let the robots play catch and let there be some mystery to the weather.
  6. I see the models trending back to more moisture this evening and overnight. Book it.
  7. This place may be packed this weekend haha
  8. Winter weather loves to miss RDU recently. No matter how, it does.
  9. Well, looks like this is trending towards a sleet storm for RDU and points SE. The more amped it is, the more sleet we get.
  10. Thanks. I wish the snow would come down in bunches for all of us in VA, NC, SC, and GA
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