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Everything posted by TARHEELPROGRAMMER88

  1. Globals will start showing this soon. Big storm headed towards Carolina.
  2. I think we should buckle up, as we are in for a good storm. We shall see.
  3. 3 inches here in Garner/Clayton. Me and the daughter enjoyed it. I hope everyone got a good snow. It was a fun event and an absolute blast to track. See you all at the next snow event.
  4. Raleigh is likely going to bust. Congratulations to those who got good snows. I am really happy for Mitch, they deserve it down there.
  5. Snow is not really impressive in Garner/Clayton. Slow accumulation and small pieces.
  6. Snow is sticking here in Garner/Clayton. Covering stuff everywhere. Heard it was blizzard like in Sanford earlier haha.
  7. Also, NAM looks different. Not sure if good or bad. NAM expanded the precip shield much further NW. Interesting.
  8. I think RDU ends up with 3 to 5 inches. Ne NC and SE VA is the 6-8 range. Fayetteville with 1-2 inches. This is only snow totals.
  9. ECMWF is caving to the GFS. Good night folks. The UKMET did the same. It was nice while it lasted I guess.
  10. Hedging bets? It reminds me of Rollo the Viking. On his death bed he had some of his slaves sacrificed to Odin and gave gold to the church. Lol
  11. So, we are not going cliff diving? I wrote a last will and testament and all.
  12. What is different on the ECMWF as compared to the GFS with precip coverage?
  13. Improvement overall. Better coverage. We are not out of this yet everyone.
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