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Everything posted by TARHEELPROGRAMMER88

  1. Would rather have cold rain than ice and sleet.
  2. I will start the next thread and it will be an epic one :+)
  3. New GFS at 18z has quite an impressive look to the storm on Sunday. Hmmm. To warm and not wet enough though. Trend was good, except temperature :+). Another cold rain on 18z.
  4. I love Raleigh as well. I have been living in the area since Sept 2019. I came by way of Fayetteville > Southport > Garner/Clayton. I was puzzled by the lack of snow after moving here from SE NC. I think I brought the lack of snow with me :+)
  5. 2 meh winters in a row here in Raleigh area. At least we saw an inch this year and 4 last year.
  6. NAM has trended wetter and wetter each run. I think it has a dry bias recently. We shall see.
  7. Curious to see the EPS. Several models inching towards Central NC getting some snow. Euro a small amount. GFS Para and CMC are more.
  8. Canadian model went towards the GFS Para. Trends are colder with it. Big snow storm for parts of Central NC and North-Northeast NC. I believe other models will start to show this.
  9. This will be the storm to remember as an epic event for NC and SC. I still believe this.
  10. This threat is a legit one. Could be a big snowstorm for NC and SC.
  11. We will likely go without a good snow storm in the RDU area this winter.
  12. Next year will save us, rinse and repeat. I think global warming will make it more difficult to see snow in NC and surrounding states.
  13. Radar is drying out, so Triangle is about to get shafted. Haha cannot win here!
  14. 5 inches here in Garner, NC..........OF RAIN.........In the last 2 weeks. When everyone needed the moisture, it was a big fat NOPE! There is always next year everyone.
  15. Til the next cliff diving, good night and good bye everyone
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