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Everything posted by TARHEELPROGRAMMER88

  1. Apps runner soon. Wow what a shift. Getting harder to get a solid set up in most areas of NC.
  2. Lol toss that at your own risk but all models have been trending NW. Pretty soon the low will be in Tennessee.
  3. Yes, he is one of the good ones and was always a straight shooter for our chances. Childhood memories of his forecasting. Those were fun times.
  4. The number of dives will be quite epic. Hoping for better trends for most of the Carolinas.
  5. That snow line keeps creeping west on the GFS. Here comes the pain here in NC.
  6. Snow in Central NC or no? I see it is sleet and rain haha. Congratulations mountains.
  7. I will be here to catch your icy tears everyone. Congratulations to the mountain folks, win number 58583849796906.
  8. Warm nose coming north. Congrats mountain folks. Take pictures.
  9. It wasn't west enough at the beginning of the run to move underneath the Carolinas.
  10. I don't think this is a clipper anymore. More Miller A like. Someone correct me if I am wrong.
  11. Looks like quite a warm nose though, scary.
  12. I'll be here for the next cold and rain event in NC and the ones that come after. Seems much harder to get a good snow in central NC the last decade.
  13. The ship is sailing. Is it time to give congratulations to VA? More cold and dry for us in NC/SC? Stay tuned.
  14. Hearing of close to a foot in Raleigh on The Weather Channel using the GFS. What the crap?
  15. It won't be next year if Rhule is still there. Day after Christmas and people probably got tickets as a gift. Panthers future prospects are like our winter prospects.
  16. Glad to see a post from one of the handful of people that went.
  17. This should be an active thread this winter.
  18. This is depressing haha. It will snow a few times in a majority of NC this winter. I am going by my gut instinct. :+)
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