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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. Doing fog well in Montclair.
  2. Sign me up for 87 and humid. I’ll take that over 15 degree Spring wind chills.
  3. The sunset was accurately modeled. I like our chances tomorrow
  4. Heavy snow changes everything. We aren’t ever going to do well in Mid March with light to moderate rates during the day. But if Heavy snow materializes it’s game on. I’m in.
  5. We tend to do well when the pessimism ratchets up and the Euro gets tossed faster than Dennis Rodman in his prime
  6. 47/27 in Montclair. Need some rates for any action down here i think. But i think we will get them. Glass half full!
  7. The GFS has been pretty consistent. We are like 12 hours to onset. Either going to score a coup or go down with the ship
  8. That’s about right. This storm is far more important for us lowlanders. After PD we need to get really lucky to even get white rain lol
  9. “Storm” done or still going on the HRRRRRRR. Because if we are going to look at the 48 hr HRRRRRR we may as well go the loony bin and extrapolate from there
  10. Just need the next 8 runs to go in the opposite direction. We can do this!
  11. I feel for the NW crew. 9 winters out of 10 we fight for scraps while you guys rack up totals in marginal setups. Just a weird Nina year i guess. But hoping we can juice up these scraps do everyone gets some action on Sunday
  12. I’m gonna golf on Saturday and watch snow on Sunday. Self fulfilling prophecy
  13. Give me 1-3 inches in a couple hours and i will stay up and enjoy the show. Take anything we can get at this point. Only a few weeks left before I’m hunting 70s for golf lol
  14. Lol, yes my list was the family friendly version lol. As time for snow runs shorter the reactions get slightly more violent when we get the rug pulled. Hoping this time we trend into a solid storm!
  15. Or juice up the current stripe so as to include Leesburg in the 6-10 range. of course these are the type of comments that precede the following comments: next wide right wheres the storm might need a human sacrifice
  16. Touché. I just hope this trends like January 3rd and i get a foot. Also rooting for the NW crew, but typical backyard sport disclaimer applies.
  17. I’ll take a blend of the GFS, Euro and Canadian for the win.
  18. Front pushing through Montclair now. Went from 56 to 45 in about an hour. Colder rain!
  19. The difference between the Euro and the GFS has a significant effect on precip type for our area. But at this range the difference is not more than noise. If the models show this divergence on Wednesday then the forecast becomes a challenge. What else is new lol
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