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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. Finally, common ground! Stop telling parents how to parent their kids. I will start taking my kids to the playgrounds and send them back to school and play dates with their friends....oh wait the state has decided we can’t do that.
  2. It seems to me Phin is referring to the teachers unions NOT individual teachers. I have yet to see anyone point to a report of a major teachers union insist we get the kids back to school as soon as possible. Sending the kids back to school with social distancing, masks, no recess, impossibly small class sizes etc is not a realistic possibility in my opinion.
  3. Is there evidence to support that outdoor activities spread the virus? Or have there been virus outbreaks attributed to the protest areas?
  4. The governor simply rescinded an order that made it illegal to operate certain types of businesses. None of the businesses are required to open their doors and nobody is required to show up. It’s going to be a slow return to any type of normalcy even after stay at home/close your business or else orders are lifted. But better to start now IMO, so the process can work it self out over the next couple months.
  5. It is a really complex question. We have almost achieved Great Depression level unemployment in a mere 6 weeks of Covid policies. But on the flip side there have been nearly 60000 deaths in the country with more on the horizon. We tend to get into shouting matches taking sides on this thread (I am certainly guilty of that). But at the end of the day we are all assessing these challenging times and trying to figure out how we strike the right balance moving forward. The answer is somewhere between life back to normal immediately and lockdown (stay at home, keep businesses closed by law) for 12-18 months until there is a vaccine. There is an optimal solution in that vast grey area. Trying to figure it out is the challenge.
  6. Challenge yourself to a little research of your own. And don’t just look for stuff that will prove you right. Royalty and nobility would certainly have lived longer lives than peasants in the year 1000. Hint most people were peasants back then. But if you are seriously arguing that life expectancy has remain unchanged for the last thousand years, don’t let me talk you out of it. Watch out for the golfers!
  7. It was largely due to the infant mortality rate during that time. So you had people living into their 50s and 60s and exceptions like Socrates who git 70.
  8. Probably closer 30 in the year 1000.
  9. We have thankfully loosened up on the family side. I got to meet and hold my 2 week old niece for the first time last night.
  10. I miss live sports. The playground with my kids is also a biggie. Maybe not in that order lol
  11. His general thesis is actually not that far off IMO. But the length of the post just makes it hard agree with or disagree with. He should have gone with alcohol kills people and is considered essential. Shoes don’t kill people and shoe stores are considered non essential.
  12. I think Eskimo Joe hit the nail on the head. If the orders are open ended a few weeks from now support for them with drop significantly. But if over the next couple weeks there are some concrete plans and dates being rolled out that would go a long way to help people psychologically at least. Obviously this is happening in some places now. Using VA as a local example, if we still have shelter in place orders in mid May without any concrete plan for reopening, then i think support for the order will be less than 50%. No need to throw anything at me. It is just an opinion.
  13. Well maybe we should post guideline compliance monitors at every hole. There are 26 million people out of work. I’m sure they need something to do.
  14. They have four carts for four people. I hope u are joking because if you are not and people really think this is some sort of “violation” God help us all.
  15. I golf every week weather permitting. We instituted some really great social distancing/surface contact measures. Food is only on a to go basis delivered outside. No more than two people in the locker room or pro shop at one time. Then on the course we encourage everyone to take their own cart if they must ride, but encourage walking. We cut up some pool noodles and put them at the base of the flagsticks (ball never actually goes in the hole and flagstick never has to be touched. No raking of bunkers. But even taking all those steps we get constant complaints from the neighborhood Facebook groups demanding we shut down our course over “social distancing”. The real problem is they are unhappy people that are infuriated by people enjoying themselves in their line of vision.
  16. That’s an interesting question. Perhaps early on. But maybe by summer they would loosen the restriction. I guess wait to see what Hogan announces.
  17. No golfer would be happy without golf so i think that’s a reasonable assumption. Otherwise i won’t comment on it until we hear more. But it sounds like my yearly Bulle Rock trip may be back on!
  18. I read the tweet. Sounds like they are going to open the courses with no restaurant service. That makes sense. Some places (like gyms, indoor sports arenas, restaurants) seem like they are obvious places that would be harder to open and maintain some social distance. Playing golf is no different than going out to exercise or jogging or walking your dog in my opinion.
  19. Most places I’ve played people have been doing a good job of social distancing. I play with my kids and wife. We hug and high five on the course. Which from a distance could look bad, but you don’t social distance from your wife and kids unless you want bigger problems lol
  20. They closed a lot of the county run and state run courses. But yeah general public and private courses have been open. Albeit with fairly strict social distancing.
  21. Smart move Governor Hogan. This one never made sense to me in the first place. If you walk the golf course u never have to get within 20 feet of anybody. Let alone 6 feet
  22. Social distancing would be everything is open and we all are responsible for avoiding handshakes and physical contact where possible. “Lockdown” is i own a restaurant, i want to open but am not allowed. Or i have kids i want to take them to the playground, but am not allowed. But i can use a different term if it is creating confusion.
  23. Please show the data that the lockdowns have worked. And please describe how the socioeconomic consequences are meaningless in your support of the lockdowns.
  24. We have tons of data. A lot of it is jumbled and unclear. I’ve made my recommendations and given my thoughts based on trying to put together a very complex puzzle. What data are you basing your comments on? Covid Deaths? Cases? Economic turmoil? Risk assessment? All of the above and more I’m sure. So your conclusions are just as valid as mine. We aren’t going to know all the things we would like to know for a long time. Scientific studies long into the future is the information we would all love to have right now. But we aren’t going to get it. We don’t know how many people have had Covid 19. Could be 50 million people have been exposed. Could be some other number. We don’t know how many people will be depressed permanently by the response to the virus. It’s an inexact science trying to come up with a workable solution. I’d say 100% back to normal is not workable right now. And I’d say the lockdowns aren’t workable for much longer. So the answer is somewhere in between and that is subjective. There isn’t some perfect formula unfortunately.
  25. We won’t know for sure. And we will never be able to protect everybody. Who said I’m bored? I work 50 hours a week from home. I have twin five year olds that i am helping with home schooling, and trying to keep happy during a time of great unrest. There is no perfect solution to this crisis. But there is an optimal solution. And lockdowns that destroy the lives of tens of millions of people is not the optimal solution in my opinion.
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