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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. The Jeb drive up to Canaan tonight was excellent. But I’m more looking forward to playing Canaan Valley resort on opening day Next weekend.
  2. Driving up to Canaan tonight for the weekend. Usually i go this time of the year for some mountain golf. But a May snow chase is nice too!
  3. Seems a bit premature to cancel a summer outdoor league. It may be the right call. But it seems like that call could have been made closer to the end of the month depending on what the Covid landscape looks like. Sorry to hear about the kids disappointment. That sucks.
  4. I think that describes this past winter in a nutshell. Still shaping up to be one of the top 5 events of the year even if it’s just cold rain lol
  5. Some things never change lol
  6. I think they will be playing games on schedule. It may be without fans at first, but by late summer I’m sure the league can get testing in place to ensure the safety of the players.
  7. Probably a speakeasy or two opening up around the country.
  8. You have extremely poor reading comprehension. I mean really bad for such a prick on the subject. Please read my post again and identify the “lie”. I posted an opinion. And social distancing is not equal to shut downs and stay home orders.
  9. We deal with it. Like we deal with all other viruses. We wash our hands, we search for therapeutics, cures and vaccines. We make decisions personally about our safety. If you determine that leaving your home for anything but necessities is what is best for you and your family more power to you. If you own a restaurant and want to open to customers more power to you. Flattening the curve was a noble experiment that had never been tried before. But at some point people have to be free again. And i believe the time is now.
  10. I’ve seen the economic devastation and the emotional devastation of the virus and weighed that against the cases and deaths and heartache caused to those affected by the virus. I believe the unprecedented whole society quarantine was the wrong approach. Nursing homes and the elderly at high risk should be advised to self quarantine indefinitely. Most hospitals are losing money and reducing staff hours or laying off staff. The main concern in Mid March was that the hospital system would be overwhelmed. If there are are any counties/cities with overwhelmed health systems that should be taken into account in their reopening decision. I also believe the virus will spread much slower during the summer months and follow a more traditional cold/flu season pattern. Your questions are reasonable and i appreciate a good, friendly discussion.
  11. And your an authoritarian fear monger who is rude and obnoxious. But I’m still glad you are free to be the way you are.
  12. I think all outdoor activities should be allowed. I’d start there. Playgrounds, outdoor dining, pools, golf courses, outdoor sports (like basketball, soccer, etc). I would do that tomorrow in VA. Then I’d phase in retail stores over the next week or two. Then by Menorial Day i would recommend opening sit down restaurants and bars.
  13. Okay so when would it be appropriate to allow kids to play in groups/on playgrounds? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? Next year?
  14. I’m not a pool guy myself. But downplay the pool outcry at your own risk
  15. If a child contracts Coronavirus and then passes it to their parents and they die and wxtrix tells the child they killed their parent by going to the playground then that will have a negative psychological effect. However, your example will affect relatively few children. Whereas the current status quo is affecting millions of children.
  16. True. I think more people will be willing to take on more risk as time goes by. I think by mid May governors Hogan and Northam are going to have to relax restrictions. Memorial Day could be the breaking point. If pool season gets delayed there will be a larger public outcry
  17. No. Kids were in school for months while Covid 19 was already in the country. Also, aside from anecdotal stories the statistical chance of dying from the virus for a child under age 10 is effectively zero.
  18. Are there many 20-45 year olds (the age of the vast majority of parents with young kids) dying from this virus?
  19. No. It’s not possible long term. For a few weeks it was okay. But keeping young kids from social interactions (playgrounds, general outdoor play, sports etc) will be damaging to them psychologically long term
  20. i am not advocating for opening schools prior to the fall. That window has long since passed for this school year in my opinion. I am arguing for opening parks, playgrounds and essentially all outdoor activities. Especially those that have a direct impact on children.
  21. If you are comparing sending kids to school, playing on playgrounds etc to playing with fireworks and physical child abuse then that is insane.
  22. And if you are breaking the stay at home rules, then why the heck are u supportive of them???
  23. The point is we are not being allowed parent how we see fit without breaking rules and laws.
  24. It was just funny to hear someone demand that people not tell them how to take care of their kids. I have essentially been arguing a position to make life better for my kids and largely been called names and had my opinions disregarded. That is fine but don’t go around demanding people adhere to asinine and arbitrary rules created by the state and then demand you be left alone.
  25. No, we have. In fact we are no longer adhering to any of the rules with many others who feel the same way. However, the point i was making is that i would not presume to tell other parents that they shouldn’t do what they think is best for their kids.
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