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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. Right, he is no different than us. When you are looking for snow you see what you want to see sometimes. Until the models slam the door lol
  2. If i can get a mid 60s round of golf on Sunday and 6-12 inches on Wednesday I’ll be sound as a pound.
  3. Did we give up when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
  4. Me neither. If that energy out of WV doesn’t start honking soon i think we can put the threat to bed for south of DC folks.
  5. For what it’s worth. We have had tons of sunshine and heating south of DC. You can almost cut the air with a knife.
  6. Just had Giorgios a few nights ago. They do it right there.
  7. The training effect may get you there. I’m like 20 miles from you and we are at 0.0. But it looks like it’s coming this way
  8. No rain yet in Montclair. But the lightning show is worth the price of admission
  9. Those may verify next week, but that image was a 10 day forecast starting around May 11 if I’m not mistaken.
  10. Another hour of sunshine and we might hit 70+
  11. I’m guilty too. Sun recently popped out here, but not sure it ever got above 60 today. It was a beautiful late winter day lol
  12. Totally agree. If we get a prolonged period of sun in the back half of May it’s hard to imagine not hitting the 70s.
  13. Sorry it was meant to be sarcastic. I am sick of the May disaster as well. Looking forward to some warm days. And who knows maybe the Models are out to lunch and the boundary sets up farther north.
  14. Before jumping off the ledge go enjoy the next 4 days of nice weather. Go on a bender from Sunday to Wednesday and by that time it will be warm again. Cheers!
  15. Today may be the the perfect weather day. Light breeze. Temps heading toward 70 under brilliant sunshine. Of course i consider a HECS a perfect weather day too lol.
  16. Frost advisory tonight and might tickle 90 on Friday. I am really appreciating the cool breezy weather because this may be the last truly “cool” air for about 4 months
  17. I say bring it on! Hard to believe next weekend is Memorial Day
  18. Common refrain from daughter is “that looks like fun to do when the virus is over”. Breaks my heart every time
  19. We will definitely set up play dates and do sports. But it’s just a matter of what the landscape looks like. We had a play date with a good friend who is militant about the social distancing. It was miserable for my kids. She was yelling every 5 seconds not to get close and it was not healthy for the kids at all. If school is going to be like that i can’t see putting them through that.
  20. Our kids are starting kindergarten in the fall. Unless they are allowed to go to school with no restrictions we are going to home school. Not putting them through wearing masks and not being able have recess and social interaction etc. That’s literally the entire point of kindergarten.
  21. Best winter scene of the year for me in person. When i was up here during “winter” it was 60 degrees lol
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