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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. I’m under a WWA and a flood watch. What a country!
  2. At the very least it removed the inland running solutions. That’s a start!
  3. Definitely something happening East of Jacksonville, but i also thought this was a gulf low pressure jumping to the coast.
  4. Yea i can live with that. I think that is somewhere between “wild guess” and the CRAS on the meteorologist totem pole lol
  5. HH NAM going to start the trend?! C’mon old friend!
  6. The trend is our friend....i will go down with the ship. I’m a lifelong Orioles fan
  7. Yes....this will stop us from speculation....
  8. If there is any hope left for the corridor, the 12z Euro did reduce ground temps by 3 degrees from 6z. If that holds or continues to trend colder at 18z. We have some life...until 0z
  9. They forgot to feed the “AmWX Mid Atlantic HH algorithm” into the models for this run. We toss.
  10. Perhaps just the NAM making fun of itself?
  11. The winter storm watch is prudent even close in to the cities. The models don’t have to be “wrong” for Montclair to get 6-12 inches of snow. Add a touch more cold air and a bit more of an easy track and presto snowstorm!
  12. I remember calling the weather hotline every 6 hours or so the 3 days leading up to the Blizzard of 96. That was essentially the progression lol
  13. who knows. Maybe Dr. No will suck us back in.
  14. I was just thinking the same thing. With enough extrapolation i can even get 1/2 foot just west of 95 lol
  15. There will come a time where we all have to come terms with reality (probably around 4pm Wednesday when rain and the occasional pinger and mangled flake are falling). But until then if a 2nd rate model gives me hope I’ll ride with it lol
  16. Looks like the low is at the bench mark in panel one and moves NNE while deepening. If that happened verbatim and i get heavy rain, congrats Mother Nature lol.
  17. Nothing with this storm is set in stone. This is a factor, but like others have noted there are lots of factors coming together. Well maybe the MOCO death band is set in stone lol
  18. Weenie rule #347 - wait for the current torrential rain storm to clear the area before the models have a good grasp on the next storm.
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