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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. The new King is right on track is what you are saying right?
  2. So about 90% of the posters here will think it’s a disaster. Present company included lol. Great post!
  3. We are getting Thomas and Rui back very soon. I think the Wiz are in a good spot. The hot start was a bit of a fluke but if we can get mostly healthy for the second half of the season good things will happen. High clouds streaming into Montclair.
  4. That’s really the unicorn solution for us right now. Get the precip to come in from SW to NE and hold on a couple extra hours before the coastal takes over.
  5. The GFS certainly thinks so. Maybe the model is just simplifying things. Big blob of precip headed our way, cold enough = snow! If only it were that easy
  6. Maybe they are just riding the model (GFS) that shows the most snow. I can relate.
  7. That would be ideal. Solid 3-6 inches with good ratios if that verifies. Sun angle should be good too.
  8. I was there for 8 days Christmas to New Years Day. Never got below freezing and i watched the slopes degrade to almost nothing as the week went on. Then came back to a foot of snow 2 days later in Montclair. Crazy lol
  9. Yea Timberline is night and day from a few years ago. The new owners know what they are doing.
  10. Certainly not giving up on this threat. We just turned 65 degrees into a foot + of snow in Montclair in 24 hours lol. We can do this!
  11. I think Montclair Is going to hit a foot+ based on radar. Added 1/2 inch in the last 20 min
  12. 9 inches on the back deck in Montclair. Still pouring snow
  13. Heavy snow and wind in Montclair. Just ripping!
  14. Sleet and rain mix. More sleet in the heavier precip. 40/34
  15. A little light rain in Montclair. Radar trying to fill in. 45/33
  16. The bullseye is like 5 miles from my house. I’m good too. The north and west crew will outperform us like 9 out of 10 times. But I’m rooting for a broader precip shield and a MOCO death band so everybody eats
  17. At the very least it’s nice to be heading into prime climo with some positive trends on the ensembles. If we can get 2-3 weeks of what is being advertised in January, there should be multiple opportunities to score. We can worry about the GLL’s, threading the needle, sun angle, etc when the time comes
  18. Or possibly an army of weather weenies posting their obs in real time.
  19. Lol. I was watching that storm before it ducked South of Montclair thinking this one will be fun. Then i read the warning and I was perfectly happy with my .15 of rain.
  20. Not sure how this line will miss Montclair. But, where there is a will, there is a way lol
  21. Refreshing afternoon downpour in Montclair. Looks like some more action just to the West.
  22. Just stop wearing a mask if you don’t want to wear one. And if you want to wear a mask, by all means please do. I no longer wear a mask anywhere (i suppose if i had to get on an airplane i would have to, but i have purposefully not made any air travel plans). If I’m asked to leave i do so politely. Lately, i see more people without masks and far less Karen control freak types. I think that within the next month the weight of vaccinated people and freedom loving people will overwhelm any remaining mask mandates.
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