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Everything posted by SnowGolfBro

  1. 52/25 and I’m soaking it in because the next couple weeks look like deep winter. Hoping for an over performer tomorrow in Montclair
  2. The flip side is rain makes pretreatment of the roads ineffective. This thing goes from rain to inch plus an hour type stuff at 7am for example and it’s a mini commutageddon.
  3. For sure. If we can somehow squeeze out .25 qpf with ratios we could get close to a warning level snow. That’s my best worst case scenario as the NWS would put it
  4. Yeah it will trend just enough to keep us glued to the radar Friday night lol. We need a 20 yard TD pass with no time on the clock. The NW crew needs the Music City miracle.
  5. Jebman said we are on a heater. I’m going with the Euro Jebman blend over the GooFuS.
  6. Yea and actually the model runs got even more insane at this point in the 2016 tracking game lol
  7. 31 heavy rain. My storm door is frozen shut…so looking forward to warm up soon. I’d break it down if I didn’t know it was going to be 49 degrees inn2 hours
  8. If we can hold onto the column for 2 more hours a half foot is well within reach in Montclair. Inch plus an hour stuff for a while now. Best daytime snow since our big storm a couple weeks ago
  9. Ninja’ed! I was thinking the same thing. We’ve had WSW that were no where close to this intense
  10. Warmed up to 23 degrees as this band of yellows is just pummeling Montclair. No two ways about it
  11. I believe the meteorological term for what we have in Montclair right not is “puking snow”. I looked it up!
  12. Expected the football game to go this way. Weenie expectations increasing for the storm!
  13. Even the rock salt is starting to cave. SN TO SN+! 22 degrees
  14. Stopping in to Target for a few football watching necessities. Way to many people out in cars that can’t handle this weather. Hope they get somewhere safe soon
  15. Definitely haven’t lost a single flake with these temps. 21 degrees and moderate snow doesn’t happen for us all that often
  16. Temp down to 21! And snowing hard in this band. Was the 4 degree temp drop forecast at onset of precip?
  17. Steady snow in Montclair. All surfaces are caving as intensity has picked up the last 15 minutes or so. 24/14
  18. Went from flakes to light snow. In about 20 minutes.
  19. Snow starting to pick up a touch in Montclair. 24 degrees
  20. Maybe it’s not done correcting to the all snow pummeling. Bitterly cold still. 19/8
  21. I was thinking it was the coldest night in a long time in Montclair. Thanks for putting a time stamp as i knew we had one really cold stretch but i couldn’t remember the exact date. 18/7 currently, clouds slowly streaming in.
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