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A Moonlit Sky

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Everything posted by A Moonlit Sky

  1. Here are the temperature records. Record keeping in Moscow goes back to the late 1700s.
  2. Yeah we're like 40-45" average yearly. It's definitely New England, but it feels different than the rest of the state. At least to me. And the commuter patterns include the city and NY transplants. NYC Metro includes Fairfield County and sometimes New Haven County in the more ambitious maps.
  3. The Navy is looking to move their naval base in Norfolk. New Jersey and NYC are looking at building sea-walls. Miami floods on sunny days with the tide now. It's happening as ice melts. What are you expecting? To wake up with the Atlantic in your driveway?
  4. We're kinda in-between. Culturally more NYC than New England, but we're a sort of boundary area between both forums.
  5. Nah, I'm good. I'm ok with a cold March and chilly April. If I'm getting screwed out of cold weather in winter, I want it somewhere. I also don't need another March 2012 whiplash that kills my plants again.
  6. Man, that's brutal. It says something like their cars have been stuck for days and there's no rescue in sight. They're apparently on the highway between Astana and Karaganda.
  7. One of the key parts of my work every summer is the creation of yearly retrospective documents for each of our programs, so perhaps I can offer some advice. I've read your outlooks for a few years now and they tend to run into a few issues: verbosity and repetition. You should start with an introduction, analyze last year's outlook, begin with a general outlook, break down the months, and end with a conclusion. The repetitive index explanations can fit into an appendix of sorts. You have a great deal of analysis to share--it just needs some tweaks in presentation.
  8. What kind of sacrifices do we have to make to get the pattern to change? Goats? Bulls?
  9. As others have mentioned, politics has always been in everything. What you're describing is a combination of the flattening of the meaning of knowledge and political belief being used as a proxy for personal morality. The hyper-availability of knowledge via the internet has placed the traditional gatekeepers of knowledge (i.e. experts or those with professional qualifications) on a level playing field with literally anyone and their Mom. Combine that with elevating "I'm just asking questions" and the idea that everything is always debatable and...well, here we are.
  10. Over the past five winters, I've been above average twice and below average three times. One of those below average winters was less than half the average. Of the two above average, one was saved by a historic March which gave me about 3/4 of my average by itself.
  11. I suppose I'm a minority, but I enjoy cold and dry weather as well. Last year was infinitely preferable compared to an 11-12 disaster.
  12. Meteorologists--big, strong guys--always come up to me crying. They say "Sir, thank you for the white Christmas, sir!"
  13. I had co-workers complaining about how cold it was like a week after that. Meanwhile, the cherry trees started blooming the week before Christmas.
  14. True. Average high is 37F. Looks like my weather app is saying it'll be 40F. Very unseasonable feel. Not sure if I can get in the spirit.
  15. I don't know if I'll survive weeks of a +3F anomaly. 38F? Torch.
  16. The squall ate the buildings in downtown Stamford one by one. Very cool to watch. Whiteout now.
  17. Just watched the squall eat the buildings in downtown Stamford one by one. Very cool. Whiteout now with nice wind gusts.
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