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A Moonlit Sky

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Everything posted by A Moonlit Sky

  1. My childhood dog was a rescue and a mixed-breed. He was half-husky--we didn't know the other half. He'd go out in snow storms and refuse to come in. He'd just go out, dig a little snow fort, and sit there for hours. Crazy guy lived 21 years, so maybe he was on to something.
  2. I was driving on 87 and that's what it looked like. It's just light snow now, though.
  3. Man, snow came in like a wall up here in Albany. 21F.
  4. I'm splitting my time between Connecticut and Albany, NY for grad school. The neighbors up here tell me they've had a snow drought for a few years. What sorts of events are the bread and butter for Albany area?
  5. Nice day today. Temps seem to be underperforming their forecasted highs here and nice overcast sky with those fluffy winter clouds.
  6. South Philly seems to be a snow hole, too. I can't imagine the frustration.
  7. There's been icing on ponds and standing puddles in Brookfield. I doubt anyone was driving on the ponds though.
  8. I was working in Bridgeport at the time and they got slammed while we got like a quarter of their total.
  9. Coming down at a good clip in Brookfield. About .5" to 1" so far. Made for a scenic run.
  10. Gonna be in Albany for this one. It's been strange, because my impulse is still just looking at Fairfield County when pulling up the NWS forecasts. I have to remind myself to look at both now.
  11. This is gonna be an interesting winter since I'm splitting my time between Brookfield and Albany.
  12. The wind as the storm came through was intense. There was supposedly a tornado and macro burst in the area.
  13. In my memory, I've only had the one October snowstorm in 2011. I'd rather not repeat that winter.
  14. So is the haze today the smoke from the west coast?
  15. '93-'94 was my first year in CT. Between that and '95-'96 it set my childhood expectations for winter very high.
  16. Snow in Stamford. No accumulations though. Stark difference south of the Merritt.
  17. I've been seeing occasional mosquitoes since February. They're out and about.
  18. Today has ended up being a low-key nice day. Cool but not cold.
  19. At least the season isn't ruined for you. I remember my only apple tree was murdered by the March to April 2012 temperature whiplash. I only grew the apple tree because it was there when we had moved in and I liked it. I can't imagine what happened to commercial growers.
  20. I can take some pictures of the area around the office today in Stamford if it's needed. There is a tree now with little dark red buds. There's no doubt we'll be ahead of schedule by several weeks this year.
  21. I mean, I can post pics of Stamford tomorrow. Stamford isn't "greening" at the moment.
  22. Looks like we topped out at 57 here in Stamford. The clouds and breeze are making things a bit chilly.
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