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A Moonlit Sky

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Everything posted by A Moonlit Sky

  1. This has already started to happen with the AMOC, but background warming is going to overwhelm any potential cooling effects.
  2. So it's not just me, then. Sherman, Brookfield, and Danbury in CT all have this intense haze down to ground level obscuring hills and trees.
  3. You can use the line tool and drag the lines around the make the nice curved lines and what-not.
  4. Can you explain a little more about your analysis?
  5. Was that through the Blue Acres program?
  6. Buffalo is actively planning for a population increase over the next century. They have the advantage of having dormant infrastructure and the ability to grow inside their own municipal boundaries for a while since they used to be a much larger city. They also have the magic bullet for economic growth these days: meds and eds.
  7. I don't know about this. I'm splitting my time in Albany at the moment because I am doing a masters program in urban planning. The field as a whole is talking about the inevitability of a migration northwards. It's not just warmth, but droughts, water restrictions, and extreme weather events. Upstate NY and New England are remarkably well situated for the next century even if the higher end climate scenarios take place--in large part due to the access to large supplies of fresh water.
  8. Thanks for sweeping the Yankees. It's been excellent listening to the radio and fans calling up to complain non-stop. Kinda sad I missed the city conversation. The reason I moved to Albany was for grad school. I'm in an urban planning program.
  9. I remember this, too. It can be uncanny--especially if you're at the top of any of the buildings up there looking out over the hills.
  10. Great day outside today and yesterday. Just like a nice early October weekend.
  11. I'm willing to go bolder: the next three months will feature warmth.
  12. Lovely. I've only ever been for the yearly holiday train show.
  13. Thank you, for this. I did not know that the air from high and low pressures spun differently. That explains why lows off the coast in spring cause cooler temps.
  14. This is probably a silly question, but: can someone explain (or link to an explanation) of the dynamics of the low that causes the cold and rain? I get what high pressure over Greenland can do, but not the other bits.
  15. The more I look back on 95-96, the more special I feel that year is--at least in my own lifetime. I was only 8, but that was the first year I really started paying attention to the weather and watching TWC religiously, being fascinated by the radar view and the forecasting. I hope I get to see another year like it now that I have more knowledge and access to the internet.
  16. Greenfield is 5b and Tolland is 6a.
  17. Let's make it happen. Spring snow is fun.
  18. Do you think that a climate that gives northern latitudes six months of summer is going to also give you snow and cold?
  19. The difference in the winter between here in Albany and home in Connecticut was pretty stark. Besides the December storm that dropped over 20" at my location in Albany, it's been a dud winter. All the February fun largely missed Albany. I did at least get to experience the Super Bowl storm in Connecticut, though, as I was back home for the game. What I can say is that being further north has helped keep snow on the ground longer and ice on the ponds. I just got back from my morning run and there are still snow piles in the shaded areas and the ponds are still iced over.
  20. April snow is good. Have you at least enjoyed your new location though?
  21. Over the years, I've come to enjoy each of the seasons on their own merits. I know most of y'all seem to want it to snow and then flip a switch to summer, but personally, I like the a spring season in New England for all that it entails: clouds, showers, sleet, backdoor cold fronts, warmups, wind-driven rain at 49F, and 60s and clear. Summers giving me chances at those hot, humid, and hazy days and nights where the moon and stars just feel like they're smeared across the sky from the humidity I also enjoy. Fall is still my absolute favorite; the September 1 to December 1 progression is my favorite time of the year. It all has a certain appeal to me and I don't think I'd be happy with a switch flipping from season to season.
  22. Was 95-96 the year there was snow on Easter?
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