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A Moonlit Sky

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Everything posted by A Moonlit Sky

  1. So are your posts--people still look at them all the same. Tracking storms is half the fun of November-April. Savor the hunt.
  2. Nothin' like a whole forum of adults passive-aggressively arguing about what color their leaves are relative to others.
  3. Who moves to NH and thinks they're gonna need AC halfway through October?
  4. Yeah October and November are my favorite months and losing their signature weather bums me out. It connects me with my childhood when we moved from NY to CT and the seasonal changes came earlier. The weather and the New England architecture and Halloween stuff seemed super exotic to me then. Loved it ever since.
  5. Having no transition weather is boring and there's more to weather in the world than personal comfort.
  6. I'd be happy with seasonable. Or, at the very least, less humidity.
  7. It's New Hampshire: it was either a meth lab or someone tried to levy a tax.
  8. October is probably my favorite month but a lot of that is tied to the weather: leaves turning, 40s at night with the window open and moonlight with a light breeze. This sort of October gets me pretty down.
  9. National day of mourning declared for Cole's career post-Spider Tack.
  10. Embarrassing Yankees game to end an embarrassing season.
  11. Boy have I got some good news for you about the Yankees.
  12. October is one of our sunniest months. But it's worth noting that the tri-state centered on the NYC metro is sunnier than the the rest of the area at large.
  13. Shame we got the least fun wildcard outcome yesterday. I was hoping for four-way-tie chaos baseball. Instead the Yankees fell backward into a Boston-Yankees wildcard game. Dull.
  14. It's been raining all night and all day but you can really notice the changes in the foliage just since Friday. It's like someone flipped a switch.
  15. Yes, but it's lower than the average for each decade prior to the 2010s. Sea ice has declined decade over decade since at least the 1980s.
  16. Did my selection of Connecticut and Other mess up the poll? I spend my time in both because of grad school.
  17. I personally think that faith and science compliment each other. For this reason, I have great respect for the Jesuits. But, I am very pessimistic about our ability to venture out into the universe in any big way for the foreseeable future. I want to--I've read so much classic scifi--but there are so many horrific problems to solve for humans to be able to live in space or on a planet like Mars. It's probably easier for us to "solve" climate change than it is to make Mars work.
  18. 34, split my time between locations for now.
  19. All Bloomberg ever cared about was what real estate developers thought. He was a barrier before the storm and he was a barrier after the storm.
  20. Louisiana has obliterated like 2,000 square miles of wetlands over the years which would help with storm surge and flooding.
  21. I envy the ability to decide what kind of weather I want and to then experience it regardless of what's actually happening outside.
  22. It wasn't that warm up here honestly.
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