Can already foresee the homerism regionally. Before the Euro runs, can we please be mindful that just because you like the run, doesn’t mean everyone on the forum will (ie. West vs eastern NC).
If we’ve got this SER going into February, you can cancel the season.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but spring gets started now right after Valentines.
Yeah, I mean I don't think we're getting wall-to-wall cold. Gonna need to time moisture with the cold, just like every year. As long as we avoid a relentless WAR or pac firehose, I will take it.
This time of year, any erosion in the ridging is gonna lead to a recurve. Yes it may get closer, but someone posted how anomolous it is for a storm originating east of 55W to reach USML in October.
It’s like the equivalent of being in Warning criteria snow event, anticipating a foot and not even seeing a flake.
Unfortunately have been a part of both.