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About StantonParkHoya

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  1. Just getting the ground nice and wet and primed for that 80 degrees and sunny so the weeds can really go
  2. I just hit 67. What beats upper 30s/40 and upper 60s/70? That’s a Rocky Mountain summer day
  3. I just hit 67 under mostly sunny. If we get .3+ coupled with high 70s-80 and sunny all week, it will look like early June here by next weekend
  4. The tree pollen and blooms are going to go wild this week
  5. I’m thinking frost is maybe, don’t think hard freeze. We may not get another freeze for weeks. Trees are about to go nuts.
  6. I’m going A+ simply for the 2-day snow a few weeks ago where we had silver dollar heavies like we were in Jackson Hole
  7. I’ll take 78 and sunny every day of the week
  8. Yep. I don’t even have any limbs down in the yard.
  9. Id probably be more concerned with Goldsboro—Greenville. Think they had some broken clouds and sun.
  10. -20BN for Raleigh off an average high of 65 is still only 45
  11. This is what I’ve been saying. So many people with “it can snow in March”. Sure, Jan! It just either takes -25 anomalies, a vigorous ULL, or one of the most dynamic systems of all time! March snow is not “normal”, which is why it’s a Spring month. Blooms and bumblebees and first sunburns are normal. People need to accept it and move on.
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