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Everything posted by HeadInTheClouds

  1. 33 with moderate snow. Starting to stick.
  2. Made it down to 4 last night, now 19. Some ice/snow in the forecast Tuesday/Tuesday night here north of I84, maybe an inch.
  3. Euro and CMC have them getting .02 qpf. Big whoop.
  4. I've had 15 inches this month after the usual trolls said winter was over in December. Keep posting it.
  5. 25 and cloudy. Had light snow most of the day but it amounted to a whopping 1/2 inch. I was expecting no more than an inch in HV so not disappointed. 15 for the month.
  6. It's just different up here and in other more rural areas. 5 snow days are allotted every school year and if they aren't used then the schools close a few days early in late June. Every school in the state has to be open 180 days I believe.
  7. Because schools are generally close to where you live in urban areas and people can walk to them also. Up by me in Dutchess county most school systems cover large areas so it's a problem with buses driving in snow or ice. We had about 3 inches last storm and schools were closed. It's not uncommon in more rural areas. There are normally 5 days allotted every winter for snow days.
  8. It's not a wobble. It's a cave. GFS was stingy with QPF inland for the entire event giving my area .1 or so qpf for days while nearly every other model in particular the mesos were giving significantly more. GFS just doing what it does.
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