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Everything posted by HeadInTheClouds

  1. Agreed. I wouldn't argue with an 8-12 forecast for our area. nam gave us 26 and gfs will give us 2. Split the difference, lol. American models suck.
  2. I'll take the 26 inches it gives Poughkeepsie, lol, but I agree with you about that cutoff in SE PA. Funky run to say the least.
  3. It's not just a model run, it's every model run aside from the GFS. I'm not cherry picking one run of one model. We will see how it plays out.
  4. Its not that short of a distance though. Just looking at Euro It gives Poughkeepsie 1 foot and decreases precip to a few inches around I90. Thats 80-90 miles. It has 6+ well north of 84. Thats just one model but most others have similar numbers.
  5. Sure. I think the sweet spot will be Eastern Penn-Northern Jersey-Rockland/Westchester on east. 10-12 inch totals well north of there though according to most guidance. I don't consider that a cutoff.
  6. Really? You might want to inform the models, most of them are giving significant totals 50 miles north of that line you drew.
  7. Yes. Euro/cmc have been giving I84 around a foot for days Wrong, the Ukie has been on crack just like the GFS. The Euro/CMC blend has given the I84 guys 12-14 inches consistently for the past 2 days and the GFS has been giving 1 or 2 inches and just corrected this morning a little. It's been horrible with this.
  8. Not even close to what the GFS has been showing past 2 days. This is what cmc/euro blend has been showing though.
  9. Agree 100%. They have both been on crack for different reasons. Thats why I have been saying Euro/CMC blend best way to go.
  10. Still 33 with light snow. Coating on colder surfaces.
  11. I agree. I don't expect i90 to have warning level criteria, maybe a few inches. I fully expect I84 to have warning level snows.
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