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Everything posted by HeadInTheClouds

  1. For a guy that you said supposedly knows his stuff he is wrong an awful lot. He has downplayed every single winter event this year and has been wrong nearly every time. He said warm weather was right around the corner in early January and it wound up being a very cold month. I can say the weather will turn warmer in the spring and Christmas is eventually coming too. He brings nothing to the table and has zero credibility when we all know he has an agenda. Worst poster on the board AINEC.
  2. My brother lives in New City and he said they have 2.5. Snowman must have a snow hole over his house. How convenient.
  3. Funny how everybody else is reporting 2-3-4 inches and you are reporting 1. I'll be driving down to Rockland later to see family. Something tells me they will have more than 1. Maybe you should do a George Costanza and do the opposite from now on when you forecast.
  4. 25 with light snow still falling. 3 inches OTG. Nice overperformer up here.
  5. That wasn't my question but I get it, you follow the model(s) that gives the least precip every single event. Rinse. Lather. Repeat. My area is going to get maybe an inch if I'm lucky, but most people on this board could see 1-3 inches which is just fine for a SB Sunday.
  6. It's not showing any big amounts. 1-3, isolated 4 is certainly plausible.
  7. You were hugging the 18z 3k yesterday because it showed lighter precip and practically nothing N and W. Are you going to place any credence in today's 18z?
  8. And what is wrong with a 1-3 inch type event for most of the forum?
  9. Funny how you point to those off hour runs though when it helps your agenda.
  10. I'll sign up for the 3 inches while I get screwed again up here.
  11. Coast being NYC Metro and Long Island in general, and by N and W I mean 30+ miles from NYC. I just think this may be a little too far east to give best snows N and W just like a few others this year.
  12. Models still trying to figure this out. I don't think the end result will be like either the CMC or Euro, somewhere in between possibly. I could see a scenario where coast gets 4-8 and N and W 1-3, something like that.
  13. What warmth? I had a forecast high of 39 and only got up to 37 today. 8 days into the month so far and we are exactly average. I know the next few days are going to be above average but I don't see any extended heat wave.
  14. Yet some people continue to hug it likes it's gospel whenever it's shows extended warmth.
  15. 00z nam is pretty aggressive with the precip tomorrow and tomorrow night.
  16. It was over in December. You didn't get the memo?
  17. He always does. His act is old. He said I would be wearing shorts and short sleeved shirts in Feb. It's 23 outside.
  18. I hate the GFS but it was the only model that had me below freezing and with ZR before midnight. Every other model had it 2 to 4 hours later.
  19. Yup. They are always worried about that and err on the side of caution when they hear the possibilty of ice especially when schools haven't had that many days off due to weather so far. It does look stupid to the public when it's a non event though. Up here it was absolutely necessary to close schools.
  20. 23 and light ZR. I have about .10-.20 accretion with an inch of sleet. Another batch of precip to my SW.
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