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About waronxmas

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  • Location:
    Northeast Atlanta, ITP

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  1. If this verifies, expect ATL to be an absolute mess tomorrow morning. Everyone is under the impression that this storm is going to be a nothing burger in the city and impact middle GA more. Now where have I heard that before… Good thing I work remote now.
  2. When it comes to winter weather in the South you just have to adopt a “we’ll see what happens” approach every single time. It helps clamp down on the disappointment.
  3. The biggest concern I have is power loss. Since it’s a Sunday before a big holiday in Atlanta proper (and with Omicron still raging), most people will be at home thankfully so there shouldn’t be a repeat of 2014. What is concerning is that over the last 10 years nearly 100k have moved to the city center and almost all of them in apartment blocks and high rises they were built quick (think thin walls with little to no insulation) and are electric only. If the power goes out for a significant amount of time we’re going have a similar experience as Texas had last year with their grid problems. Not for as long obviously since temps will rebound in a few days, but it’ll be a poop show for all those people in “luxury” cardboard boxes in the sky.
  4. Me likey very much for the north side of Atlanta.
  5. The best snow storm ATL ever had was in March. We’re due something after watching the entire country get in on the fun. Well, except Texas. I want no part of what’s going on there.
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