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Everything posted by TampaMan

  1. NAM may be a hair less at 18z but likely pretty similar.
  2. That’s why it’s time to go to short range models imo.
  3. I agree with your call as well. If this thing starts churning the NAM could be spot on. I think it’s time to stop looking at OP models and rely on short range. We’re within 24 hours now. Almost time to nowcast.
  4. Euro is a step NW. showing the moisture expanding further as well. I can go against the king now. I’m willing to bet it’s wrong. I could very well be wrong but there are signs.
  5. High bust potential yes- however things are trending in the favor of this. The ULL and additional moisture is adding to these totals. Precip shield is way more prominent.
  6. Matt DiNardo came to my 3rd grade class. I was very into weather back then and knew a lot of terminology other kids didn’t. He pulled me up on stage and gave me a few minute interview on TV. Wish I could find it but that is over 22 years ago.
  7. I went from 3-5 to 2-4 to 1-2 now to 4-6. I think that’s pretty similar to what tv Mets have done. This system is just bonkers. Models have gone so many different ways. If I was getting paid the big bucks for guessing what I guess that’s pretty much exactly what they’re all doing haha.
  8. NBC12 appears to hold tight with their 2-6 map.
  9. I wonder if DT browses this thread. Hey DT, if your map verifies I’ll give you a slide of cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.
  10. I’d say as of right now 4-6 is a decent bet for metro. This could change rapidly if these models continue to trend Northwest with the bulk of the precip.
  11. based on the models he’s using to project this, he’s not wrong. are the models correct though is the real question.
  12. I think the rest of them will be following suit here shortly. DiNardo just happened to be the first to do it.
  13. These meteorologists have far more access to data than we can see. There’s a reason to his rhyme.
  14. Matt DiNardo says their totals map this morning is way too low…. What the hell is going on????
  15. This system is mind boggling. Will the NAM win? Will the king be dethroned by the soon to be retired NAM? STAY TUNED!
  16. I’ve seen this on quite a few TV stations as well. GRAF appears to be showing snow on the backend between 9am - 1 pm Thursday. Who knows at this point. Getting some sleep. I gave up earlier but the later models reeled me back in. Everyone get some rest. We wake up to the trend holding or at least 1-2 inches around RIC, and more to the SE of VA. Goodnight everyone!
  17. A few models have us getting a bit more but I’ll take what we can get. Every system has been snow to sleet to rain so far. If we can get an all snow 2-4 inches I’ll be happy.
  18. RIC is starting to trend a bit better as of late runs. No it won’t be a MECS or anything remotely close but if we get 4-6 inches as my (likely and very possible) last snow storm here in Virginia after 30 years of life I’ll gladly take it. I remember being so young and getting storms and the snow would last on the ground for a week or two. Especially in the early 00s. Maybe it’s because I was only 3 feet - 4 feet tall but man I remember the days I could sled for DAYS with my buddies.
  19. Where are you seeing that? 0z isn’t showing that for RIC. About bedtime ladies and gents. 0z will save us. Mark my words.
  20. Can we keep this thread alive for us potentially still getting at least an inch?
  21. They don’t like when we get snow. I don’t mind when they do. The difference is when we are projected to get snow and it turns into mixed precip, that’s when it gets annoying. If they win, they win. If we win, they seem to get upset. (Not all or even most, a select few).
  22. Watch DT be onto something… I think there’s a 5% chance he’s right but imagine..
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