I’m expecting 2-3 maybe 4 on the high end here in Henrico Friday into Saturday. A much fluffier snow. Will likely all melt very quickly on Saturday afternoon but will be pretty nonetheless. Thought this one would have the opportunity to juice up but not looking likely sadly.
Did you account for the additional snowfall last night? RIC got 6 total from the storm. Actually surprised it melted as much as it did today. It never “felt” like 6 inches were on the ground at one time.
Also, this is a good sign for the rest of winter. It’s the first week of January and we received a 6” storm. That’s the first time in a long long while around these parts. We could end up being well above average by the end of March.
Expecting either a 2-4 event or a 4-6 event for this weekend. It could bomb as well. THIS is a setup we want, for us here in Central VA and yall down in the south east. Too bad it’s on a Friday into Saturday and not Sunday into Monday again.
I’m predicting we get about .5 - 1.5 inches of snow on this backend. RIC id bet you get 2 down in Williamsburg.
NBC12 is now calling Friday into Saturday a winter storm that would be much more major than this.
An inch is a win in my book. Depends on where you are. South of midlothian I think you’d be lucky to see a dusting. Northwards from Louisa to the northern neck is probably the sweet spot
If it fills out like the GRAF is showing I’d say even 2 possibly 3 more. Air is already moist.
edit: scratch that. Graf backed off a good amount. Maybe .5-1
NBC12 is saying snow from 5 pm to 11pm. Depending on rates we could be looking at another layer of 2-4 inches. This would be insane due to the ground already being frozen. It’s dark out and it’s 11 am. Roads are freezing over already. Went on a walk with my son and the roads noticeably are getting icy again.
Grilling some eggs lol. Power out. Ice falling. This is what we want! Well besides power outages. Hoping for a solid 1-3 inches on the backend. Boss is pissed my power is out. Told me to drive to Starbucks.