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Everything posted by TampaMan

  1. NBC12 lowered to 3-5. Looks like it’s a battle between my .5-2 inches to your 3-5 inch’s @wasnow215
  2. The HRRR has been more dependable in my opinion. I’ll be leaning on that for this go around.
  3. NAM is going to be a warmer. A bit warmer I’m afraid.
  4. What model is this from? I cannot tell for the life of me.
  5. The HRRR seems to hold the cold air steady over us for the duration of the heavier bands of snow. The NAM hates that idea and puts essentially ALL sleet / freezing rain on us. It’ll be a mix a both.
  6. They take account for that in their snow maps.
  7. NBC 12 - 3 to 6 inches WRIC - 4 to 7 inches WTVR - 3 to 6 inches
  8. As much as I hate to say it, I’m leaning more towards .5 - 1 inch. I’m not meteorologist by any means. I just know what happens here and continues to happen… warm air. I hope I’m wrong and I’ll be so excited if I am. I just have a gut twisting feelings about this one.
  9. The line will likely be right through the city from SW to NE. Unfortunate but hopefully we see a quick bump before switching over.
  10. This is what model needs to be watched. That and the GRAF.
  11. GFS bump north. Razor thin cutoff line. I’m sticking with my 1-3. I would not be surprised within 24 hours if the precip shifts even further north.
  12. I'm going with 1-2" locally in Richmond with spots up to 3". That's my final call.
  13. I do like the little nudge South on the euro. Very razor thin line still which is worrisome. I'll just rely on maps here and not watching TT lol.
  14. Clearly what I’m saying is I’m not going to be concerned about it any longer and wait to see what happens. Never did I say it won’t snow.
  15. I’m gonna throw the towel in until it happens. No more watching models or reading forecasts for me. Hope for the best.
  16. That’ll take the air outta the balloon real quick. Here we are again. This hobby really sucks lol.
  17. NAM coming in with the snow pretty much 10-15 miles North of Richmond while RIC gets rain. Getting fringed is becoming worrisome, again...
  18. Is it bad I’m still not convinced? The cutoff line is insanely sharp on both the GFS and Euro. NO room for error during this storm.
  19. I hope so too. Sucks it’s halfway to March already.
  20. I’m not buying that map from NBC12. I expect by tomorrow evening or Monday morning the totals will be down to 1-3 or 2-5.
  21. People in the main thread are another breed.
  22. LOL. You're so mad. I said "boohoo" because someone said essentially "no one gives a rats ass about RIC". You sound bitter. Go have another one, bud.
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